The Plane

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"Now boarding at gate 6" A woman announced over the intercom. That was our gate.
"You ready for an adventure?"
My mom was always happy. Especially today. I was going to miss my friends and family but I was happy for her.
" Yeah." I said in a low tone.
" Everything alright? You seem a little sad." My mom  was always caring and sweet.
"I... just miss my friends, and our family." I sniffled.
My mom gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead. She was always reassuring.
"Everything will be ok."
The plane was an hour away from Iowa. We had already been on here for an hour. Surprisingly mom was asleep. As I looked out the window I remembered painful memories of my father. He was amazing. He was in the army. Sadly, he died 8 months ago. He was flying a plane and crashed. He survived the crash, but he died in the hospital of major injuries.
Tears fell off my face, into my lap. Mom had woken up moments earlier. She knew exactly what was wrong.
" I miss him every day sweetie. I know it's hard. He loved us. I'm sure he's proud of you."
Mom started crying. We both hugged each other.
                            Never a dull moment.

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