Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

“Dice, what in the seven hells is that thing?” Darius whispered.

He knew exactly what it was. A Nameless. He backed up against the stone wall of the alley, pulling the rogue with him. “Stay against the wall.” The thing continued to move, faster than light, flashing from the rooftops to the ground, circling them. Gray looked to the door. It wasn’t far, but something told him they wouldn’t get to it in time.

The carthorse whinnied in fear. In a flash of black, the sound was cut short. A gruesome noise rent the air, like claw or teeth ripping tender flesh. A gurgling scream from the horse cut through the night.

Darius trembled. “Gray...”

The sight was obscured by the cart, but he saw flashes of dark cloth, moving furiously, as if ravaging the animal.

“We must run.” He grabbed the rogue by his tunic, and lunged for the door. A rush of wind threw them against the wall, halting their advance. Gray twisted.

The Nameless perched upon the cart. Its cloak wavered in the night, black strips of cloth dancing in the wind. It was nearly invisible in the alley’s shadows. All save for its gaze. Stark white pupils held him, glowing inside its black shroud.

“What is that thing?” Darius whispered.

“A Nameless.” As he uttered its name, it leapt from the cart, landing lightly upon the ground. It raised its arm. In its hand, mist formed taking the shape of a blade. The edge gleamed in the full moon. Frantically, he looked for a way out, but there was none. The door was too far. The only way out of the alley was around the Nameless. He leaned towards Darius and spoke, so low he could barely hear his own voice. “Be ready to move when I say.”

Darius’ eyes were wide, watching the creature. “What in the dice are you thinking?”

“There’s no time, just listen. The Nameless moves in the shadows. If I can fight it in the light, I should be safe.” At least long for enough for you to get help, he thought. “When I say so, stay in the light and don’t stop running.”

“Like hell I’m running while you stay and fight,” Darius snapped, and gripped his dagger tighter. “You just tell me what to do.”

He was glad for the rogue’s stubbornness.

“I am here for only you,” the Nameless said, pointing its blade at Gray. “But I sssuppose you can both die.” Its voice sounded like dry rasping leaves. A black tongue ran across sharp, bloodied teeth and it lifted its phantom blade.

“Not another step!” the rogue threatened, waving his shiv, a blade a third the size of the Nameless’ sword. “The next one will be your last,” he warned.

The Nameless gripped its dark blade tighter, knuckles cracking. “Do you even know what I am, human?”

“No,” Darius replied, “but I don’t need to know how to make a sword, to know it will cut. And if you take another step I’ll show you.”

“Fool,” it laughed, “no mortal blade can kill me.”

Gray realized the rogue was buying him time, and he searched for another way. Behind the Nameless he saw the cart, filled with its barrels. He eyed the latch that held the barrels in. If only he could reach it. Gray pulled with his mind, wishing he was close enough, but even if he lunged, it was too far.

The Nameless drew closer. “Enough talk. Time to dieee.” In a blur it reappeared, striking at Darius. The rogue raised his dagger in a flash. The two blades collided. Immediately, Darius cried out in pain, gripping his hand and falling to the ground. Calmly, the Nameless turned to him. His jaw clenched, as he pressed further against the wall. He looked past the creature to the cart. He pulled with his mind, again, desperately reaching out. If he could only...

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