chapter three

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annie's pov
today i woke up to feeling great, it was my birthday. one thing i like about my birthday is that i'd always get a birthday breakfast. obviously starbucks. nothing can't top starbucks. i haven't gotten starbucks in so long since i was like thirteen. but anyways, caleb drove me to school and once i walk in, i see lauren with some balloons and a teddy bear.
lauren: happy birthday gorgeous! *says while running up to her and hugging her*
annie: thank you so much! where's johnny?
lauren: he came, with a doll again.
annie: *sighs*
lauren: but don't worry, he gave me the money to buy these balloons for you.
annie: yeah, but i don't feel the love and the birthday vibe from him.
lauren: well cheer up, we're going to a fancy restaurant tonight for your big day.
annie: i hope johnny goes.
lauren: he should be. your like obsessed over him.
annie: i know it seems like it but he's my boyfriend. he's acted weird this whole time.
lauren: do you have a specific type of weirdness to explain?
annie: yeah, because sometimes i question to myself, if we're even real at all.
*bell rings*
lauren: meet you at lunch?
annie: yep.
lauren: alright, see ya later birthday girl.
annie's pov
i walk into class to see johnny still writing some type of note, but there was also a doll with a tiny balloon holding it.
annie: hey johnny.
johnny: *sees annie* h-here ... *says while giving the doll* happy b-birthday ...
annie: thanks. i heard from lauren you gave her the money to buy the balloons?
johnny: y-yeah ...
annie: oh, okay.
annie's pov
nothing really did change at all. he still stuttered with all the words that would come out of his mouth. but what did change, is that i saw him smiling and laughing and actually talking with another girl that wasn't me. i felt heartbroken because of that. he hasn't done that with me since forever it just gives me memories. anyway, skipping to going out to a restaurant. me, my mom, and caleb we're gonna meet lauren and johnny. but turns out, we arrived first. then i saw lauren come in, but no sign of johnny.
annie: hey laur!
lauren: hey anns! sorry, johnny didn't come, he said he was busy.
annie: *sighs* it's alright.

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