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With shaky hands, He slides the ring onto her finger, finally done after many years.


Stepping back, He looked at the figure. Prince Fernando would be pleased, and he will finally have his daughter back.


As if by coincidence, royal soldiers barged into the shabby workshop. "Have you finished yet? The deadline is near."

"Y-Yes, yes! Let me bring her out!"

Delicately, he placed her into a glass casket and called over the soldiers. When they entered the room, they were awestruck by the beauty of the doll. They have all agreed that her beauty could rival, no succeed the Queen's beauty.

Master, no

The dollmaker, clearly annoyed at how long they were idly standing there, ushered them to bring her to the prince. Oh, how he wanted to see his daughter again...

Master, please

The doll arrived and was brought to the living room. Crystals glittered and the fireplace crackled. Chandeliers hanging from the top as light reflected upon them, giving the room an ethereal glow. This room was like no other, as expected from the royal family. Maids and butlers scurried to the glass casket, quickly moving it to the middle of the large room. Carefully, they placed a velvet cloth above her and moved to the side, waiting for their masters.

Master... it's dark

Soon, Prince Fernando and his family entered the room and sat on the couch, waiting for a special person to appear. Jasmine, the dollmaker's daughter slowly walked towards them, her hollow cheeks and lowered head clearly hinting towards her experience with the royal family.

Prince Fernando smirked, "Are you ready to find out your fate?"

Anxiety was the only thing filled in her head, hoping that her father could satisfy that wretched man. With a nod, the closest Butler approached the cage.

With a flick of his wrist, the figure inside was revealed. Everyone stared at her, entranced by her beauty and elegance. She could cause wars if she wanted to, and thankfully, she's not living. 

Jealousy was brewing inside of the women of the royal family, they know the inside battles of the females in society better than anyone, and this lifeless girl could ruin their hard work and charm the useless men they have under their feet. They wouldn't allow this plebian to show her face to the world, after all, a girl's pride is more precious than a boy's.

"How wonderful! Truly remarkable from your father!" King O'Brien exclaimed, greed filled eyes glimmering in delight. He could see the riches piling up in the treasury. Oh delightful, oh delightful!

"Guards, send her back to her father." Prince Fernando ordered, not even glancing towards her as he continues to stare at the encased girl.

Tears brimming at Jasmine's eyes, she couldn't help but be proud of her father's achievement. Almost running out of the door, Jasmine finally smiled after a long nine months, waiting to be in her father's arms.


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