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Puppycorn grabs a notebook and pen from his room and goes off to question his big sister or Master Frown if he's available, he sees both of them by the side of the castle while Unikitty was angrily yelling at master frown for egging a tree, Puppycorn decides to take that opportunity and go for it.

Puppycorn: Hey sis! I have questions for you.

Unikitty: Not now little bro, I'm busy!

Puppycorn: Great! Master Frown can help too

Master Frown: Do I have to?

Puppycorn: Yes! So Unikitty you remember rock guy!

Unikitty: Uh sure what about him?

Puppycorn: So he fell in love with someone

Unikitty: Really who!?😗😊

Puppycorn: Her name is Stick girl!

Unifrown: 😑🙄😮

Master Frown: Man you really need to go out more!

Puppycorn: So you guys pretty much act like a couple

Unikitty: What!!🤤

Master Frown: No we don't!😝😲

Really old edith: You guys are an adorable couple. Back in my day I fell in love with a person with anger issues and he was 12 years younger than me. Our love was forbidden it was like that Taylor Swift song. But we secretly eloped and been married for 88 years, had 4 children, 7 grandchildren, and 18 great grandchildren! So you two are meant to be together!

Puppycorn: I object 😏😬😲

Unikitty: Thanks for the pep talk Really old Edith but we're not thinking about dating anytime soon!

Master Frown: Maybe one day! Or in another dimension! Just not right now!

Unikitty: Maybe one day!

Puppycorn: Hopefully never!

Unikitty: Any other questions you have?

Puppycorn: How do you feel around each other

Master Frown: I feel like you're the only person I'd want to try to bother you and no one else

Unikitty: Aww that's so sweet! Well I guess you're fun to annoy but you're actually a sweet person even if you won't admit it.

Master Frown: Thanks for that compliment

Unikitty: You're welcome! And thanks for my compliment!

*Unikitty kisses Master Frown Cheek*

Puppycorn: Okay I'm going to go now bye!!

Brock: Hey! MF we gotta get home now and finish my cheerleader costume!

Unikitty: Ooh you're joining the cheerleader competition too!😊

Master Frown: Yes! Brock really wants to fly for some reason!

Unikitty: Well My friends and I will be there too!😁. See ya Soon!😘

Master Frown: Ugh you too!

Puppycorn: Ugh sis why do you have to be frienimes with master frown!

Unikitty: Because little bro it's my job to make everyone in the kingdom happy especially Master Frown!🤗

Puppycorn: What happens if he doesn't change?

Unikitty: Then I'll have to try harder!

Puppycorn: You are so determined to change him!

Unikitty: Thanks little bro changing master frown is my number one goal that I'm really focused on right now! DoomLord or not I will make him happy I feel it In my heart there is good on him!

Puppycorn: Don't give that hope up sis I know you can change him!

Unikitty: Thanks for the support little bro! Love you!😘

Puppycorn: I love you too! I guess my plan is starting to work. I just need to look out on how they act around each other. I need to think back at the moments when they were together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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