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Everlasting Death
Chapter 1:

Deprive of feeling or responsiveness.

​Amara is numb. She didn't think the curse was real. These past two years she been enamored with falling in love. He was Sam and he was perfect. He was kind, loyal, charming, and handsome. He was dead. One-hundred percent dead. Not only was he dead, but he died by her hand. It was tragic.
She was chopping vegetables up for the stir-fry they were going to make. As he went to grab the wok, he managed to trip. She turned to catch him before he hurt himself, but ended up stabbing him with the knife. He died instantly as it pierced his heart. A couple of weeks later she was on trial for murder, she had accepted that she would be going to jail. For some reason, she was found not guilty and was let go to continue with her life.
Six months later here she is now, sipping on a cup of coffee at a local coffee shop. Chatter litters the room making it feel almost too crowded. Amara glances through the window up at the sky. Taking another sip, she frowns. What was once a bright sunny day is truing into a dark foreboding thunder cloud. A shiver runs down her back. Downing the rest of her drink, she grabs her purse and makes for the door.
On her way out, it happened again. She slightly brushes her arm with someone. Feeling a small tingling sensation that makes her stomach flutter with butterflies. Gasping, she pushes past them without looking up. A deep shout calls after her, sending pleasurable chills up and down her frame. The feeling of dread starts to swallow her body. She knows that feeling. It happened with Sam. No matter how hard she tries to ignore them the first two feelings she's managed to feel in six months consume her. She isn't going to allow the curse to take control again, especially since the emails and letters from Sam's family have finally stopped haunting her. She's just getting back into a routine. Amara fights tears back as her emotions rack her body.
The wind starts to pick up whipping her hair around her face. Amara doesn't even register the people around or even the street that she's on. Her mind swirls with the memories of the day that started her plummet. A flash of platinum blonde hair flashes in her eyesight. She stops abruptly. Thinking it was just a memory, she glances around.
She's wound up in a back alley covered in trash and boxes. "Damn...", her gaze lands on a strikingly beautiful figure. Automatically she straightens her spine and her eyes glare. "Aphrodite." Amara's voice is cold and even.
"Amara," her voice echoes off the wall. It's a sickly-sweet mixture. One that's too perfect. Everything about her was too perfect. A sly grin began to work its way onto her face as she glances at Amara's appearance. Amara tries to seem unfazed by the unnerving feeling.  "I see your doing well." Aphrodite states as a black stiletto steps forward. Amara closes her eyes as the clicking of heels continue toward her. She takes a deep breath in but all she manages to smell is the goddess' aroma that speaks to a weak man's heart. Breathing out she forces her eyes open to find Aphrodite standing less than a foot away. 
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Amara's voice drops an octave. She tries to be respectful, but her voice comes out with a pinch of sarcasm instead.
Aphrodite just clicks her tongue and shakes her head. Pointing a finger at Amara's nose, "Don't sound so glum. I could've given you snakes for hair", she begins to circle sliding her finger tips across Amara's shoulders, "a body that slithers", the small clicks of her heels and her smell start to make Amara dizzy, "and a glare that turns any man to stone." She stands once again in front.
Aphrodite starts to back up, taking her power of seduction with her. "Just popped in to check on you and your misery." She glances down to examine her perfect nails. "I'll be in touch." She turns and struts down the alleyway. The sound of clinking heels becoming fainter until they're no longer heard.
Amara lets out frustrated scream. That woman is infuriating. All of this is happening because of a stupid guy. It's as if Zeus could feel her frustration, lighting suddenly cracks across the sky and the rain begins to pour down. Soaked to the bone, Amara begins her treks back to her apartment. Her anger brewing and thoughts swirling. This was just a game to the love goddess. Amara's life doesn't matter to her. She just needs some entertainment. If entertainment is what she wants then entertainment is what she's going to get.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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