Chapter One - Another Bee

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Blades sat in his room, reading aloud, hoping his sparkling can hear him. It was a special one because the last one he had, Overload (Bumblebee was quicker), died at birth. But with this one, who Blades was calling Bladebee, it was discovered a month after Overload passed. So Cheif Burns had to teach them about the concept of rainbow babies - or in this case, rainbow sparklings. Bumblebee promised that he'd be there first, but Blades was pretty confident about being able to name the sparkling Bladebee. He heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said, and the door opened to reveal his husband, Bumblebee. Bee looked normal, it was just the former scout now had a voice. Blades knew it was still Bumblebee. "Hey hon." He said, putting the book aside.

"How's Reverss?" Bee smiled, gesturing at Blades's 3-month-belly. Blades smiled.

"Bladebee is doing fine. How was the mission?" Blades asked, using his name for the sparkling. Sure, his husband called it Reverss, but they both had their names for the child. Bee walked over to him.

"Not bad, actually. Sideswipe actually managed to keep our prisoners in custody finally." He laughed, mentioning the red auto-bot.

"Well that's an improvement." Blades said, smiling. Bumblebee had to smile back.

"Yeah. Getting real tired of chasing escapees. Good thing I don't only have him. Strongarm, Drift, and Grimlock take their job seriously." He noted, Blades nodding. Even though Bumblebee wasn't a scout anymore, he did have a team of his own.

"I'm sure they do." Blades said, holding Bee's hand. Bumblebee smiled.

"Yeah. I'm lucky to have them around-" A crash was heard outside the room, and screaming. The parents rushed to the door to find Gearshift and their twins cornered by a-

"Energon eater." The two breathed. It was huge, and it looked like all the children were safe EXCEPT for Hornetbee and Honeybee. None of the kids were with the other rescue bots. Blades hid behind his husband.

"Hey, Energon eater!" Bee threw a random can he found on the floor at the creature. This put it's attention on Bumblebee and Blades. Especially Blades.

"Um, Bumblebee?" Blades asked Bee as the Energon eater stared hungrily at him. "I think it likes sparked bots..."

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