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Dressed in yella!
Went upstairs
To kiss her fella
By mistake she kissed a snake
How many doctors
Did it take?

I say under my breath as my legs got caught in the rope.

"Let's play something else this is boring."I whined as I crossed my arms.

"You only want to change the game because you lost Khwezi."Melody mumbled whilst crossing her arms and lowering the skip rope.

"That's not true."I said quite annoyed.

"Let's play another game Khwezi." Monica said as she took my hand smiling at me, I smiled and nodded my head enthusiastically.

As easy as 1, 2, 3
My momma watches MTV.
My dada takes care of me.
Oh ah I wanna piece of pie.
Pie too sweet, I wanna a piece of meat.
Meat too tough, I wanna ride a bus.
Bus too full, I wanna ride a bull.
Bull too black, I want my money back.
Money too green, I want a jelly bean.
Jelly bean not cooked, I wanna read a book.
Book not read, I wanna go to bed.
Bed not made, I want some lemonade.
Lemonade too sour, I wanna take a shower.
Shower too cool, I wanna go to school.
School too dumb, I wanna suck my thumb.
Thumb too dirty, I wanna ride a birdie.
Birdie to slow, and that's all I know.
So close your eyes and count to ten.
Whoever messes up is a big fat hen!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"

"You do know that's a song right?"My mom said as held my hand making sure I don't trip over cracks on the side walk, but I always made sure because I never wanted to break my mom's back.

"Really?"I asked as I jumped onto the bricked street trying not to step on the cracks or the lines since the lines had lava.

"Yeah, your father and I used to love that song it was sung by the Jackson 5."she said as she guided  me to the bricks that had no cracks.

"Really mommy?"I asked looking up at her in awe she nodded whilst chuckling since I did not know my father but he knew me.

"Mommy."I called out as we walked upstairs to where we lived.

"Yes sweetheart?" She asked holding my hand and searching for the keys.

"Why can't I tell my friends the story about my hair?"I asked jumping up the stairs this time as we were about to reach our apartment.

"It'll scare them away and then they'll have you taken away from me,and I don't want that."She said as she looked down at me and lifting up my chin before she kissing my cheek.

"I don't want that either."I said ashaking my head frantically

"See, So don't say a word to anyone,dont tell them unless I say so."she mumbled as she pushed the heavy door open with her hip and carried me in her arms whilst shutting and locking the door as soon as we got inside.

"Round and round the garden like a teddy bear!
1 step!
2 step
Tickle you over there!"

my mom sang and she tickled me which made my high pitched giggles fill the room along with her sweet laughter.

"How was your day mommy?"I asked trying to read the magazine she was reading as we lay in bed together -I have my own room but I love sleeping with my mommy instead-

"It was, the usual very long, but I managed."She said as she nonchalantly shrugged and glanced at me then back at the magazine pushing her glasses up and read the article.

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