2. sToP hAtInG mY gIrLs

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I stg this annoys me to no end.

People hating Sasha, Christina, and Nika.

Okay, so in Shu x Readers, I get that some people hate Nika, but she just has an infatuation with Shu, it's kinda just a fangirl thing. And her personality is NOT bratty and spoiled, she tries to help when she can, and will occasionally poke fun, but in a friendly way. If it's an AU, though, I understand you can make it however you want.

Chris and Sasha get a lot of hate in Free x Readers, but they're really only friends with Free. Christina's been friends since they were 8 and 9 (Yes I looked it up), and Sasha's his teammate. I don't like that they get so much hate from Free fangirls in the fandom. In all honesty, I think that they're kinda just like the older sisters of the group. I know that people don't like the ships, but you don't have to hate the ACTUAL CHARACTER.

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