2 Don't get drunk at parties

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"Soooooo You. Are. Tutoring. Ethan. Fucking. Dolan." I had just told Ana about my dilemma and here she his frothing at the mouth. "Okay so i think the plan will be just to ask him to get on skype and we can do the work over skype." Last thing I want is to be alone and with him plus i have too much on my plate like to figure out who wrote me the note in my locker.

While I'm deep in thought i don't realise Ethan sit down next to me until i see Ana abruptly stand up, "ill see you later Amy," she says as she leaves. After about 30 seconds of awkward eye contact Ethan breaks the silence "Okay so i will see you tomorrow at 5:00 at yours because my brother will try to distract me and i need to stay on the team." I was shocked that he even suggested it to be at my place and tomorrow, when my brother is at work, and im by myself. I couldn't pull myself to say anything but "yeah" and before I could even suggest anything else he had already left. Okay so there goes my Skype idea.

The final bell rang and everyone headed for the door, thanking the teacher on the way out. I needed to go find Ana so we could go back to mine together. She comes up behind me and hooks on to my arm, "Okay so i think we should go to the senior party tonight, Ams." I have no Idea why she would even want to go to a senior party where all my brothers friends are. "Why? We can have great fun on our own." i suggest, "Because you need to live more Ams, end of discussion, we are going." I find no point in arguing with her since she always wins so i nod and walk to the car, I wont be staying at the party for long.

By the time we went past Ana's place to get her clothes, taco bell and back to mine there was only one hour left till the party started. I quickly put on a black skirt which Ana encouraged me to wear because of its short length calling me a 'Hottie thottie' when i tried it on. I paired it with a white T-shirt which Ana tied up at the front to expose my 'stick thin waist' in her words. I waited for Ana to finish her make up when she pulled out a full bottle of vodka and handed it to me, "I would like to be taking care of you tonight not vise versa," I did usually take care of Ana a lot when she was drunk and maybe I did need to loosen up, "you better not leave me by myself" i say as i take a big sip and make a funny face as i try to handle the taste.

We made it to the party somehow i don't really know, I'm pretty drunk, maybe Ana drove. We walk in and instantly i see my brother Sam hooking up with Maddy. If that wasn't enough to make me feel sober i don't know what is, I slid past them and headed for the backyard. The house was really big it took me a whole 2 minutes to get from the front to the back. I needed another sip. Or 10

Ethans pov

"Oi E, look who came." Grayson says as he turns my head to see Amy, Holy shit she looks hot, the way she wore that skirt made me feel as drunk as she looked, "Easy fuck E, shes clearly drunk so go for it," i hear my brother hassle. I ignore his remarks and go up to her. "Amy what the fuck are you doing here?" She looks up to me, god she looked so hot and damn did she 'grow' over the summer. "Youuu, mister are not my daddy." I wish i was, her words where slurred she was way to drunk and if i wanted to make a move she was going to have to be more sober so i grabbed the flask out of her hand thank fully she was to drunk to notice. "Let me get you water please." I asked her, She put her hand on my arm, "guide me sir." I cant wait till she is sober.

After about an hour of chilling out with her while she sobered up she finally felt ready to return to the party, "Thanks Ethan, please don't tell my brother." God she was so gorgeous that short skirt makes my want to bang her right here on the couch in front of everyone.


Next chapter will be fun ;)

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