Failure to obey any of these rules you will be subjected to a fine of 2,000 galleons, 400 sickles, and 347 knuts and a life sentence in Azkaban prison. You will NOT be obliviated and sent to the muggle world.

On the day of your appointment you must go to the fourth floor and go to the receptionists desk and state your name, age, and your case workers name.

The ministry appreciates your cooperation and we will see you in two days time. Have a pleasant evening Miss Granger.

Alabaster Reynolds, department of Marriage services (fourth floor)

"Oh my god." I mutter, the new information swirling inside of my head in dangerous waves.

When I said I wanted something to fill the silence I didn't mean marry someone or any of this chaos. I chew on my lip and look down at the letter in my hand. What do I do? Harry! Ron! They must've gotten a letter as well, I'll just go and talk to them. Without a second thought I'm pulling on my shoes and flooing to the Burrow.

As my feet hit the cement of inside the Burrow's fireplace I hear people complaining in the kitchen. I grip the letter in my hand and brush the spot from my sleeves before stepping gingerly out of the fireplace and into the living room.

"Hello?" I call out, making myself known.

There was a scuffling of feet as someone makes an entrance to my right. "Hermione!" Ron says, pulling me into a hug. "This is absolutely insane, this stupid letter demanding that we sign our childhood away and marry and have children and be with someone we might not even know or remotely like!" Ron rambles, pulling back to finally allow me to breathe.

"I agree that it's not a good situation Ron, but some of your arguments I believe are irrational. Would the ministry place us with someone that we couldn't tolerate? Especially Harry, you, and I along with your family?" I ask, not really believing a word I'm saying but the sisterly love I hold for Ron is telling me this is what he needs to hear.

Ron's flushed cheeks slowly return to normal as he mulls the thoughts over in his head. "You're right! This is still insane though."

"Of course it's still insane Ron, but what else can we do?" I ask. "I don't want to spend my life in Azkaban, knowing that there's a world out there that I'm still apart of but still forced into isolation from it."

Ron nods his head in understanding. "That's the worst way to be pulled from the Wizarding world. So much worse than having our wands snapped and obliviated. At least then we wouldn't even be able to remember that part of ourselves."

"Exactly, I'm sure that's why they decided to just put us in Azkaban with a mighty high fine. It's a worse way of torture and forcing cooperation upon us. They demand order and they expect to get it." I reply.

"Come on Hermione, let's get you to the kitchen so we can all talk about it." Ron says.

"Who else has gotten a letter?" I ask, even though I already know.

"Well Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and I have gotten the letter. Harry flooed a few minutes before you did with a letter and then you. Ginny's devastated, thinks she's going to be taken away from Harry." Ron replies, pushing the kitchen door open.

As soon as the door opens everyone's eyes are on me, their newest visitor. Fred and George look rather bored as they pick at the corner of their letters. Harry was rubbing Ginny's back gently and scowling at the letter in his hands. Charlie who is back from Romania for a few days is glaring heatedly at everyone and everything. Percy looks the same as always as he's the Ministry's pet and will do anything for them. And Ron, well...he's doing a bit better than the rest of us. I approach the table and take the only remaining seat across from the twins. I look at my letter clutched in my hand and back up at everyone else.

Marry the Weasley (FREMIONE) Where stories live. Discover now