Sad/Happy Carter Reynolds Image

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You and your boyfriend Carter where fighting again for the second time today about his parents coming over for a few days. Dont get me wrong you loved his parents but Carter had been gone all year and he just came back and you wanted him to yourself. You missed him so much you cryed yourself to sleep every night.

"Why are you acting like this?!" Carter yelled.

"You just got home and I haven't seen you all year! You just got home this afternoon and you expect me to say I'm OK with your parents coming tomorrow?! Carter, I love you. I missed you and you don't even want to spend time with me.? I'm not OK with your parents coming so soon!" you yelled.

"why don't you understand they'll only be here for a month then they're going on a cruise for three years! And you can't let them come now do you hate my parents or something?!"

Tears started pouring down your face. You looked Carter right in the eyes.

"No I love your parents but I'm done with you." you said as calmly as possible.

Then you grabbed your jacket and your keys. You walked out the door and when you opened your car door you hear Carter come out. You look at him.

"If feel like coming home don't bother! I can't believe your so immature! Good bye forever!" Carter yelled.

He had never been that mean. even the last few nights you had left because you needed to cool off he would always follow you and watch you to make sure you never got hurt. But now you knew he wouldn't be behind you.

You got out of the driveway and got on the main road. It was pretty dark when you left. your eyes were filled with tears so you could barely see the road. You had your phone on silent so you picked it up and checked it to see if you got anything from Carter, but you got nothing from him which made you cry even harder. you threw your phone on the seat and looked up. You saw two head lights coming towards you so you tried to swerve out of the way but then you saw nothing but black.


I watched her drive away from me. I went inside the house and thought to myself what have I done. My phone rang and I thought it was her but when I checked the caller ID it was only Matt. I answered the phone.

Me: Hey man.

Matt: Hey so how did it go with (Y/N)?

Me: Not so good. She drove away from the house and I don't think she's coming back this time. I really screwed up. Didn't I?

Matt: Yeah you should call her and apologize. I knew she would act like this. I mean this was your first time apart since you two started dating. You were gone for a year and you expected her to be OK with you parents coming so soon? If I were you I wouldn't have said yes to your parents even if they are your parents. But think about this ; Would you rather have your. parents over for a month and never see her again. and all the boys know how much you love her. or would you rather have her and you parents can come over after they get back? its not that hard man, you just mad it seem hard. I'll let you think about that. bye man.

I hung up the phone to get another phone call after that. it was a number you had never seen before. you answered it.

"Hello? is this Carter Reynolds?"

"yes" I said worried.

"um you know (y/n)?

"yeah" you said even more worried.

"I'm sorry I have to tell you this but she's been in a terrible accident. I've already call her parents and they told me to call you. I'm sorry but you have to come immediately."

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