Prologue - Of Wildfires, High Speed Chases, Avalanches, Hornets, and Honeybees

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Quickshadow caressed her little mech, Wildfire, as he laughed. She had to smiled. Wildfire was Heatwave and her's sparkling, so he was destined for greatness. Heatwave walked in, smiling.

"My little mech's not giving his mommy any trouble, right?" He asked Wildfire. Wildfire laughed.

"So far he's been on good terms. Quite the joyful sparkling." Quickshadow reassured her husband. Wildfire smiled an agreement.

"Yeah he is." Heatwave took Wildfire from his wife's arms and rocked him, making him slowly go to sleep. Boulder ran in.

"Chase just gave birth! You guys coming?" He asked. His older baby femme, Avalanche, was on his shoulders.

"We'll be right behind you." Heatwave and Quickshadow followed Boulder and Avalanche out. Chase was holding a small autobot, mech it looked like. It was blue and green, and had the parts of a dump truck. Chase looked up and smiled.

"Everyone, meet High Speed." He said, motioning the sparkling. High Speed was sleeping, but Wildfire wanted to play with him. So he kept poking the sparkling. This made High Speed transform into a mini dump truck.

"Wow, transforming on the dot." Heatwave was impressed.

"Yes, he's been doing that for quite a bit now." Chase said, putting High Speed on the ground. "Which is why his name is High Speed." High Speed sped off. He was fast!

"No wonder." Quickshadow joked. Gearshift, Blades's sister, walked up.

"Yeah. The lil guy keeps running into my leg." She joked. She was with Blades and Bumblebee's twins, Hornetbee, a young mech, and Honeybee, a femme.

"Bee duty, Gear?" Boulder asked.

"Yeah. Bumblebee keeps having to go on missions, Blurr isn't trusted with them, Salvage and High Tide are busy, and Blades is sparked." Gearshift counted the reasons on her fingers. Her optics were amber, like Blades, but she was a fire helicopter.

"Wait, Blades is sparked?" Heatwave asked. Gearshift nodded.

"Yeah. Bumblebee better hurry up, this time. Other wise we might have another kid with bee as a part of their name. What's next for him, Killerbee? Queenbee? Bladebee?" Gearshift shook her head. The rescue bots laughed. Blades was like that.

"I have to agree with Gearshift. Blades isn't really that creative with names." Bumblebee said out of nowhere.

"How much did you hear?" Gearshift laughed. Bumblebee smiled at his sister-in-law.

"Up to, Bumblebee better hurry up this time." He said. Hornetbee and Honeybee ran to their dad.

"Daddy!" The twins chorused. They tackled Bumblebee with a hug. Bee laughed.

"Hornet, Honey, what's up?" He said, trying to not get kicked in the optic as Hornetbee was trying to climb him. The other bots smiled. They hoped that Bumblebee was ready for the new sparkling. Otherwise, life was going to get harder.

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