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Ah, the long, extremely complicated, but somehow even more enjoyable...  list. Of course, Kim did half of these optionally. That was the type of person she was, she loved to help people, especially her closest friends!

Emmalyn for coffee and her beautiful smile, Cadenza just to check they were still on for later and to see if she needed anything... Hmm, there was finally a strong Bi-Fi signal again, so that was okay, no need to take over for Ivy any longer...

Ooh, Brendan, Nicole, Jenny, and Mac were all that she had to do today! Kim wondered if she could maybe help some others today whenever she had the time.

Well, she was actually done with nearly all of this week's work. She just came in to check if she could help others do the same! Better than turning into Ivy, binging those lesbian animes...

(Sakura Trick people! It's great so far!)

(Edit: I'm done with that series, finished. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THERE WON'T BE ANOTHER SEASON, DARNNNNN!)

Kim figured that she would visit Jenny and Mac at the end of the day. She didn't want to distract them, they were always so happy with each other! Everyone was so glad that it worked out!

Oh, right. Speaking of which, she had to babysit their little devil in a few days time. She had just turned the age of 5, and was just as adorable as ever!

And that leaves Brendan and Nicole. Just a few floors higher than she was, and she was pretty high up. Oh well, it would be great to see them!

Humming happily, the girl skipped into the elevator. She looked up and yelled quietly.

"Ah, Mr. Ro'meave, I'm really sorry, I didn't notice y-"

"Oh, Kim, just stop already! How many times do I have to tell you? You can always just call me Garroth, we've known each other for ages, it's fine!"

Kim smiled and let out a sigh, relieved.

"I'm sorry Mr- Garroth, I just feel it right to be formal at work. Anyway, sorry for barging in, I can leave the elevator if you like."

Garroth shot her one of those looks. She looked back down and mumbled an apology.

"Kim, don't feel the need to apologise all the time! I'm Garroth, you're Kim, and that's how it's always been! May I carry your files for you?"

Kim smiled and giggled. "Thank you!"

Having nothing on his person originally, Garroth accepted her items with a smile.

"So, what floor do you need to go to?" Kim asked him.

"Whichever you need to. I honestly just wanted to talk to you..."

"Oh? And why is that?"

Garroth started to blush slightly. "Umm... To congratulate you on your promotion!"

Though a little suspicious, Kim thanked him. "You're the one who gave it to me Mr R- Garroth, I'm sorry. That might take some getting used to..."

"I already told you, there's no need to apologise! What floor are you headed to?"

"Just two floors above this one. I'm about to go and see Brendan and Nicole."

"Hmm, I haven't talked to them in a while..." Garroth sighed and looked away. "I miss how things used to be sometimes..."

Kim was at a loss for words. Admitted she missed talking with Garroth more than anything, she was more than happy with life the way she had it.

Nervously, Kim walked up to Garroth and brushed her hand against his. "Hey... I know I'm not much, but if you ever need to talk-"

"Kim, don't be like that. You're everything."

Realising what he had just said, Garroth looked away. Kim, once again, found herself unable to form the words she wanted to.

"T... Thank you..." She broke the silence with a cough. "Hmm, shall we go?"

Garroth smiled. "If you don't insist on acting so formal."

Kim scoffed playfully. "You're one to talk!"

A smile wandered onto Garroth's face. "That's the Kim I know. Or rather, knew."

Garroth went up to her and held her hands. Kim stuttered a little.

"Say, could we perhaps get together sometime? Hopefully get to know each other again?"

Kim smiled. "If you don't insist on acting so formal!"

Garroth started laughing. "Ah, thanks Kim!"

And so, he did get to hold her hand as he always wanted to. And they didn't let go.

Author's note:

Yes, I'm uploading this while I have writer's block on my main book and I'm sorta, like... Finding it hard to write? No, I'm not abandoning that book OR putting it on hiatus, it's just taking a while to write.

And, as you can see, I'm trying out new writing styles and trying to test new ideas. I've got something big planned, but I'm not sure of the ship... I might do Khost, but then, no one will read that... BUT I ACTUALLY HAVE AN OKAY IDEA THAT I REALLY WANT TO WRITE FOR THAT BOOK! SO WHATEVER!

Alright, I'm probably doing another Yuri ship. Heh, I know just the one! And, that book... May possibly be dark. But, I think it's pretty original either way.


Speaking of Yuri, I wanna do a Yuri one shots book with LOTS of Khost. My poor, forgotten lesbian ships, I love them. Wah.

Bye Potatoes!

Raven 😝

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