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"What's got you reorganizing everything on this shelf?" Y/N's head snapped up to look at her tall strawberry blonde friend.

She sighed dramatically, still in pain from being shoulder checked by the asshole that played her favorite Disney prince. And on top of that, she was already stressing about the auditions for Rapunzel.

Y/N set down the plush Sebastian toy and placed her hands on her hips with a loud huff. "I'm-I have a headache, my shoulder is killing me, it's hot, and I've been yelled at by almost every single guest since I got back from break. I'm not even close to clocking out either."

Pepper laughed softly and placed a hand on Y/N shoulder causing her to wince. "How did you even hurt your shoulder?"

"That stupid Flynn Rider guy bumped into me."

"Which one? There are like, 3."

"I don't know," Y/N shrugged with a loud exhale, "He's tall, has a jawline that could possibly kill, and had these big brown eyes... which, I think are actually contacts."

"Bucky Barnes?" Pepper raised a brow.


"Bucky Barnes. Everyone knows who he is. How do you not know? All the girls and guys drool over him. It's kind of ridiculous. But he loves it." Pepper shrugged with an exaggerated eye roll.

"I guess—" she looked away from Pepper to smile at a guest. "He was a dick head. He told me to watch where I was going! Can you believe that, Pepper? I hate him already and I don't even know him!"

Pepper laughed again and shook her head, "Oh, Y/N. You're too cute."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Y/N's manager suddenly yelled at them to get back to work, cutting the gossip short and going their separate ways.

In the last couple of hours, Y/N helped guests with any sort of questions they had and picked up after children. It was about 7PM when her shift finally ended, she waved goodbye to her coworkers and headed backstage to grab her belongings from her locker. She checked the audition paper once more before walking away with a burning hope that could not be watered down by anyone or anything. But the second she turned on her heel she found herself face to face with none other than the infamous Bucky Barnes once again.

"I thought I told you to watch where you're going."

She rolled her eyes with a huff, "Piss off."

"Is that the best you can do," he snorted.

"Look, we're two adults. I don't have time to play elementary school games with someone who dresses like Flynn Rider 7 days a week."

"I actually only play Flynn Rider 5 days a week," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Whatever," she scoffed. "I gotta go. So if you'll excuse me."

She pushed past him and made her way out of the backstage area leaving Bucky standing there with a smirk on his face. He liked the challenge she was giving him. Most girls were easy to charm, but she was different. Y/N stood up for herself, was quite sassy, and undeniably beautiful. She was the best type of different.

The day for her audition finally came around and she was shuffled onto a stage-like room with a bunch of other girls; some you had never seen before and others your coworkers. An older woman called for them group of women to pay attention before she began to talk her head off about the audition. Y/N managed to grab a couple of vital pieces of information before a choreographer came in to show them a simple dance routine.

They went over it three times; the first time was learning every single step, the second time was putting it all together at a slow pace and the third time was with the music. They let them practice for a minute or so before letting everyone know that it was time to perform the dance routine.

Girls were kicked off the stage immediately for messing up a single move and Y/N tried to keep her shock to a minimum as the casting directors watched like eagles. At the end of the routine, Y/N and a handful of other girls were told that they had made it to the next round.

They handed each of the girls a script and instructed that they all learn their lines in the next 2 days for the next part of the audition.

The day couldn't come fast enough, but when it finally did she was a nervous wreck. The improv and script reading was done individually with the casting directors and that only made her more nervous than before. Y/N sat outside on a plastic chair in the empty hallway with the script in her hands going over the lines repeatedly, beating herself up quietly for messing up little things here and there.

The heavy door opened and out came a sobbing girl as if she had just seen a loved one die in front of her. Y/N's eyes widened as she watched her walk, but she was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when her name was called. Like with any sort of interview, she shook hands with the casting directors and introduced herself with a charming smile.

Y/N stood in front of a camera and answered simple questions they had about herself. Once they had all the information they needed, they pressed a button on the camera and let her know they were ready for her to read.

She began to act for them and hoped she wasn't overdoing it. The casting directors cut her short, but their smiles eased her a bit. They moved onto the improv part next, making up situations and questions that could happen if she were to get the part.

They all nodded while scribbling on their memo pad in front of them before thanking Y/N and letting her know they would give her a call later that day. With one last handshake, she walked out of the offices and prayed to the Gods above that she had gotten the part.

They never did call later that day or the next. She had heard whispers backstage that they had already found someone for Rapunzel. Whether the rumors were true or not it still upset her and the hope she once had slowly began to disappear as the days when by.

Pepper consoled her with a churro and a Mickey-shaped ice cream bar for lunch, letting Y/N know that there was always next time.

"But I don't want it to be next time! I want it to be now!" Y/N cried.

Pepper opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Y/N's phone ringing. She stuffed the last piece of churro into her mouth and answered the phone.

"Is this Miss. (Y/L/N)?"

"Mhmm," she replied with a mouth full of churro.

"Hi, this is Mary with Disney's Casting Auditions. I'm calling to let you know that you got the part as Rapunzel."

Y/N choked on the food in her mouth and Pepper clapped her back harshly as she coughed loudly into the phone. The line was silent after she recollected herself and Y/N had a feeling she ruined it with her fiasco.

"I'm sorry; did I hear that right? I got the part for Rapunzel?"

"Yes, you did," Mary confirmed. "We do need you to come into the offices again Saturday morning for our vigorous 5-day training."

"Oh my god," Y/N muttered. "I really got the part?" She looked over at Pepper as a smile grew from ear to ear on both of their faces.

Mary confirmed with a laugh once more and then let Y/N know that she would send her an e-mail with all the information attached. Once she hung up, Y/N let out a loud piercing squeal and threw her arms around Pepper, almost knocking her onto the floor.

"I'm going to be Rapunzel!

I See the Light (Bucky Barnes!AU)Where stories live. Discover now