The Princess of the Soul Society

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"Ichigo Kurosaki." A policeman called out to give terrible news.

"The king of the Soul Society has passed... and the next step we need to take, is to get you to be the next ruler. The king had said so himself, that the person he trusted the most was you, and if something were to happen to him, he would like you to be next in line for king."

Ichigo sat in silence, pondering his new life direction. To Ichigo, the king was very  important. He had been through so much with the king... King Hitsugaya.

Ichigo sighed and put his face into his hand. King Hitsugaya... he was like a best friend to me.

"It feels wrong to take his place," said Ichigo. "But I guess theres not much that we can do. If I need to become king, then I shall do so. For Hitsugaya."

"Yes. Since you have chosen to follow the path of King Hitsugaya, then you have to take proper precautions to becoming a king," the policeman informed. "No matter how ridiculous it may seem."  He pulled out what seemed to be a contract of some sort.

"If you sign this contract, you will have full responsibility of becoming a king."

Ichigo took the papers and started signing. As he was finishing, the policeman cleared his throat. "The first and main thing you need to know about becoming king, is that you are asked to find a lover."

"Sure," Ichigo replied as he handed the papers back.

"Ok then. Just as King Hitsugaya once did, you need to find a lover. Not just any one person can fit the spot. This person has to be one..." the policeman paused.

"Yes?" Ichigo was curious as to what the policeman was going to say. 

"...of the male gender."

Ichigo froze.     What the heck?! A man! I have to fall in love with a man?! Wait- does that mean... HITSUGAYA ONCE LOVED A MAN?!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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