Chapter 2: Mysou

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A/N: "Pardon me! I got nothin to say!"

I facepalm, the cold nipping at my fingers. "Who would've thought, that the place that's covered in snow... IS CALLED THE FROSTLAND!?" Korril chuckles, "Heheh, yeah. I guess your kinda right there..." "So, where to find the Arch-Plains? I don't visit this place often." "Ooh! I come here all the time! So, from what I remember, the Frostlands leads off into the Delta Sea. Across the Delta Sea is Mysou. Head East from Mysou and you'll arrive in the Arch Plains." "What the hell is Mysou?" "Hm, you don't know? It's the newest city that just opened! It's the capital! How haven't you heard?" My hand drags down my face and down to my side. "Well, closest town from where I live is about 2 miles away. So I'm not exactly kept up with topics like this." Korril nods, as we make it down the fields. "So, Korril." "Hm?" "From what I recall, the tale was that Life, and Death battled and life survived correct? If that's the case, then. Why are you the new proclaimed 'Life'?" "Oh, yeah. I was wondering when you'd catch on, you see Life did survive the battle, and even though injured she could still complete her duties. However soon after she had to, retire. Far before she initially planned, believe it or not I actually met her before they titled me." "I see. Aren't you cold?" "Oh, yeah I'm freezing." I nod, "Well prepare to feel that way a lot longer." Korril nods in acknowledgement. I put my hands in the pocket of my cloak. The air around here is freezing, we could be here for a bit longer than anticipated. Don't ask how I know I just do. The ice cracked, and crunched beneath our feet. The occasional wind would sometimes come by and almost knock me over but other than that it was cool. Not much happened. Korril points ahead excitedly, "There! See?" From atop the hill, there was a large body of water. It seemed to take over the horizon. "That's the Delta Sea?" "Yup! It's HUGE. Just wait till we get there! It's absolutely beautiful!" "Hm. I doubt that." Korril stars running off towards the sea,
"Eros... your just like a kid sometimes you know?" Not wanting to get left behind, I take off after her. She eventually stops at the shoreline, completely fine. Meanwhile, I, am completely out of breath. "What took you so long slowpoke?" "How... can you run... so fast... for so damn long..." Korril does some sort of weird exited twirl, "Easy! You just don't stop! Nothing else matters but your objective you know." "No... what matters is... making sure you don't collapse into the floor." "Meh, Maby."
I catch my breath, and get the wind back in me as I look around. "So, how are we gettin across-" "Look at this!" Korril was bent over staring at the water, I look next to her. "What are you looking at-" Korril dips her hand in something, and starts splashing around, splashing around in... air... "You see this? The water in the Delta Sea is unique from everywhere in the world. This water is almost completely clear. Now sure, you could argue that all water is clear, and that it gets color from reflections and stuff in the water. But this waters makeup is special, no matter what you do to it. What you pour in it. It will always be like your staring at glass. Pretty cool right?" Korril you are a child in an adults body. I stick me hand in the water, and... she's right! It's water. Except it's almost near damn invisible except for the occasional reflection of the sunlight. But other than that this is nearly see through. The bottom of the sea stretches out for miles, and you can see every fish, snail, and living thing. It's pretty neat... not that 'beautiful' though. "I'm gonna bring some of this back to show Scilene." I take out a small vial, full of water. Just plain normal drinking water. Look I keep it in case the big one runs out. I drink what little water is in the vial (Don't let it go to waste) and scoop up as much as I could into the vial. Korril turns to me as I'm doing this, "Hm? Who's that??" "Oh, just my roommate. Come to think of it, she's gonna be pretty suspicious to find out I just up and left..." "Huh, yeah you could've thought of that one huh?" "Don't deter me. *sigh* how do we cross this sea?" Korril looks around, before pointing to a relatively medium sized rowboat. "There!" "What? ...Oh no! Not happening!" "Oh, come on. We have to get across one way." "No! This sea seems incredibly large! That's gonna take hours!" "If we start now. It should only take 3 days! So come on! We gotta get goin!" "3 days!? Are you serious!?" Korril hopped into the boat. And pulled something out of it. She throws it aside, it's a small. small. Looking metal anchor, Korril begins to pull the boat to the water. She pushed it in using her leg. "Alright! Hop in!" I do not want in that boat. Once when I was a young. (Anything under 16 in these stories is before my time as reaper... just throwin that out there.) One time when I was young, the orphanage was going on a small sort of, field trip. This was an incredibly rare thing, the whole trip was funded for by the people who invited us because we couldn't pay. I climbed inside the boat and continue my internal monologue. So, as I was saying. We got to go to the ports of Meiea. It was a popular sailing and trade business back then- well. It still is, I just haven't seen much of em. Anyways, they showed us how everything worked, and what each thing did. But most importantly, towards the end. They let us actually ride a few small rowboats. It was only a small artificial pond, you could swim to the other side in about 30 seconds. Just big enough for a few rowboats to float around, so we got put into pairs of three. Remember that one. Korril takes an oar off of the side, and begins to push on the water. "Oi! Anchor!?" "Hehe, oh. Yeah, right." I pull the anchor back on board, and grab the other oar, as we begin our paddling. Back to the story, my group was doing fairly well ok? We weren't terrible. That is until... Jerald... f***in Jerald! I still remember to this day. This kid, takes the oar. Spears it THROUGH THE BOAT. So there's issue #1: Huge f***in hole in the boat. And then, proceeds to jump up, and down rapidly... honestly I have no idea what's wrong with this kid. I think he just really didn't like me for some reason, and because of that, wanted to kill me. That or he was actually freaking mental. So, yeah, yeah. Entire boat flips over. And traps us under it... luckily the advisor got us out. We didn't see Jerald anymore after that. Since then I've always hated boats. And yeah, there you go. "So, how long do we have to do this?" Korril stops for a moment, and lays her index finger on her temple. "Well, we started about noon. Mysous about 2 1/2 days away. Accounting for a few stops here and there... I'm wagering... 3 days." "God damnit..." Were gonna be here for a bit, so I'll cut until something interesting happens.

It had gone from midday, to midnight. Hald a days of rowing, all in not even the span of a paragraph. They decided to stop for a bit. Korril was laying on the edge of the boat, looking up at the sky. I sat up on the back end of the boat. Sharpening my blades. Korril sits up, "You don't got any food on hand do you?" "Trust me or not, I don't eat. It's weird, I don't need to eat. But I do need to drink. Odd..." Korril sighs, "Well. I tried..." Korril sighs, and her head droops down for a bit. Clearly thinking about something. "Let's go, we've been here long enough." Korril nods, as we reneging our journey... transition!

"Oh thank the maker..." The rowboat had finally landed in the shore, as I stand on solid earth once more. Korril energetically jumps out of the boat, "Yup! We're finally in Mysou! Now come on! I'm hungry!" Korril begins to walk forward, I begrudgingly follow behind... as we approach the front gateway, I look around at the city. The buildings all seemed to have the same architecture style, stone buildings with wooden roofs, the buildings of course varying of shapes and size. But something noticeable. Was that there are seemingly pathways and sidewalks, on top of buildings. Brings a whole new term to 'Walkways' it's a pretty big place. Korril looks around, and points to some building, "AHA! This place." She just leads me inside said building without question, "So, where exactly are we?" "Le Cafe Blanc." And a lawsuit has arrived. We get a seat at a table, and Korril orders some food, I don't get anything. I don't need it we've established this. Korril finally finishes up. "So, you got any money? I'm broke." "'ve gotta be f***ing kidding me."

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