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So I woke up this morning and thought

"Why not?"

I finally have the energy and time to do this so I am going to do it

I've known Bailey for a lonnnnnnng time and she seriously hasn't changed one bit.

Bailey has a weird obbsession with grapes, and shrimp. I remember her walking around with a bowl full of the food and she won't give me any. Which is major bullshit because I ask nicely. But then I don't even like grapes so maybe she is just afraid that I will smash them or something?

She is a smart girl ((:

Bailey has put me through hell, and back but, I have also done that to you and she always seems to come back which is awesome because it always gets pretty lonely with out her around. She constantly reminds me of the person that I want to be and I just am glad to have a girl like her in my life.

She has been bitching about getting one of these for the longest time now and now that she has it I think that she is going to be very disspointed because I seriously suck at these.

I remember once Bailey took my shirt and ran outside with it and I had to chase her. I don't even remember why my shirt was off in the first place? But she is always a little boob like that.

I am so sorry this sucks but I just love you a lot okay? You're always going to be one of my best friends. I am so glad that I got opportunity  to meet you.

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