Chapter Three: The Hunt for the Moondrop

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Cassandra had been the one to make the decision to press on after the rocks. "Varian is no longer our concern and my father is more than capable of catching him.", she'd said. Rapunzel wasn't so sure of that. Varian was smart and he was quick. He was capable of more than they'd realized. Look what he'd done in the first place! He was a major threat! He'd proven that he was willing to do ANYTHING to get what he wanted! She didn't voice her concerns though, not wanting to upset her friends further.

Eugene stopped his horse after a moment, motioning for the other two to stop as well. "Eugene..?", Rapunzel questioned quietly. He shushed her, motioning for them to listen. The sound of running could be heard, rapidly approaching from somewhere behind them. Then a familiar figure raced through the trees a few feet to their right, running around them, clutching the strap of his satchel and his raccoon on his shoulders. Cassandra gasped. "Varian!"

Varian skidded to a stop, whipping around to face them. His face quickly twisted into a nasty sneer, piercing blue eyes blazing with rage directed at all three of them. He was tense, ready to bolt or to attack if he needed to. Rapunzel took notice of how worn out he looked, how much thinner he was than the last time she'd seen him. Prison time had not been very kind to him. She blinked, refocusing as Varian took a step backwards. One of his gloved hands went into the bag strapped to his body. It was the same bag he'd had the day he had came to her, begging for help she wasn't able to give. "Leave me alone!!", he snapped at them, his voice cracking a little from his tangled emotions. "I won't let you get in my way again!!" He suddenly threw a glass orb at them, purple smoke filling the air and blocking their view of him. He took off running, pushing himself to go as fast as he possibly could.

"Varian! Wait!", Rapunzel cried, urging Max to run through the smoke in pursuit of the boy she had once called 'friend'. The boy who had lied to her, tricked her, and betrayed her in the matter of a few seconds. The boy who still needed her help. This time, this time, she was going to give it to him. "Varian, please! I want to help! I know I let you down before, but I swear that this time is different!", she yelled desperately, tears forming in her eyes. He couldn't run forever. Eventually, he'd run out of stamina and be forced to stop. 

She caught up to him soon enough, Maximus much faster than the male teenager on foot. She jumped down from her saddle and grabbed one of his arms. "Varian, please! Stop and listen to me!" He was gasping for air as he glared at her over his shoulder. "Let...Let go..", he forced out through his teeth. "I won't.", she answered firmly. "Not until you listen to what I have to say." She swallowed. "We don't have much time until Eugene and Cass catch up to us. Let me help you, please! Whatever you need, I'll try my best to provide. You don't have to trust me. I just want to help, like I should have before...", she was pleading with him now, sincerity in her green eyes. "Just please let me help you.." He was silent, studying her face. His gaze snapped down to her hand on his arm and then back up to meet her eyes. He sighed heavily out through his nose. "You're right, Princess. I don't trust you. Not anymore.", he glanced to the side, the gears in his head turning furiously. "I suppose...I could use your horse at least...much faster than my own legs....and you're a packaged deal, yes..?" At her nod, he seemed to hesitantly give in. "Fine. This doesn't mean that we're friends again, though. Got that, Princess?", his tone was stubborn. She nodded, letting go of him with a smile. She climbed back onto Max's saddle. "Get on and we'll be on our way." He exchanged a look with his raccoon. "Don't look at me like that, Ruddiger. I'm not forgiving her. I just need a faster way to the temple. This is the best chance we have whether I like it or not." He climbed on behind her, hesitantly placing his hands on her waist. "Alright! Where are we headed?", she asked, feigning a bit of her usual cheer. "I don't know the exact location. I have an old map, but that's it." She nodded, nudging Max to start running. "You can direct me as we go then!"

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