" Damn Remind me not to piss her off" Uncle Luke said with a laugh

" You think that what you did to me was easy to live with and move on No it wasn't I damn near killed Myself one night at my Grandparents house because of you I felt so fucking helpless if it wasn't for My Granddaddy Liam and Jack I would have they talked me down from the so called ledge you know what they said to me that changed my mind

It was the fact that they said if I end my life because of you then you win and I wasn't about to let that happen oh Hell no, No matter how hard it was to fight my demons and nightmares I did it with my families help I mean both families help because to me we are all a family even if we weren't blood related
There is a saying we say Family is a Choice and I chose them as my family in addition to my own Biological one

And when My three amazing men decided to show me what a Real man or should I say Men can do and the love they have for me I knew I would be okay "

I paused for a Brief moment to get my emotions back in check

" I want a battery , Cables, Pliers , Knife and what ever else you want to bring me " I say to really no one in particular

The items arrive on a cart being pushed by Papa Brandon who has a grin on his face
I couldn't help but return it

" Now is there any one that would like to go first or is he going to be all mine " I say

" Harper he is all yours " Owen says

" Hot Damn "

I pick up the knife and cut his pants off occasionally going a little deeper than I should and drawing blood
Todd hisses when I do

" Opps I'm sorry ...... Not "

I get his pants cut off and then work on his boxers exposing his man parts which I will say it must be cold in here cause they have done shriveled up into Raisins

" Damn how do you pee there literally is nothing there " I say as I look at him

I hear several " No She didn't just ask him that"
" Hold On let me get a magnifying glass I can't see it "

Now that gave me a laugh damn I have some crazy ass people in my families

" Well I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to , Oh Wait " I say

I grab the gloves and walk over to Todd Grab his cock Yank On it really hard damn thing starts to come alive to I work it for a few moments then I reach over grab the battery cable clamp it to his penis and boy did he holler

" Damn did that hurt " I say " Well that's nothing hold a second " I added

Going back over to the other end of the cable I touch it to the battery I swear I heard the pop of electricity before it registers in his Brain

I get cussed out in I think a different language by Todd

I smell burnt hair now I see I burnt some of his pubic hair

" Did you like that I know I did "

" Oh Marcus I haven't forgotten about you either" I say as I walk over to him his eyes go wide
" Do you remember what I said to you when you started Dating Melody"
Marcus shook his head no
" Oh well let me refresh your memory I told you if you ever Hurt her I would cut your balls off and feed them to you and Guess What "

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now