The first half

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Great just great I thought to myself I couldnt kick him or move him as he was too heavy and if I did wake him up he would of put his leg on top of me. Which I dont want to imagine just yet.

Luckily, Mrs. Hudson had come up to do the laundry so I decided to throw something down the steps into the living room, by using my only free hand. Well it worked but Mrs. Hudson still thinks were a couple and when she came up she said Oh Im sorry dear dont let me ruin your fun Ill be downstairs just call me when youre ready for me to take the laundry

Im now confused and speechless like couldnt she see I was trying to shout at the women and she couldnt even indicate that I needed help. Also she just cant assume that were a couple but Im not complaining about it.

Finally, Sherlock woke up and was completely oblivious to what had just happened and just started talking about the next crime to solve together well thats where things have to change. In that space of time my voice had come back. And I spoke my mind.

Sherlock are you out of your mind seriously youre in my room without a top on sleeping in my bed and just completely forgetting about how I barley know you. Now I understood the problem Sherlock was alone and as hes not like any normal person he finds it hard to act and talk around others, so when he came into my room its because he didnt feel alone anymore. I felt like an idiot and because of what I did, Sherlock left again without saying a word. 6 hours had past and still no sign of Sherlock I couldnt call him as he purposely left his phone and not many people knew about him fully.

Until I had a plan Sherlocks phone surely had contacts saved under family? But as soon as I went on Sherlocks phone, Sherlock had arrived back. Guilt filled my head when I saw the disappointment on his face; he walked in slowly and gently pulled the phone out of my shaking hands.

For two days after that incident he started to play sad music on his antique violin, I knew Id let his trust down he must of thought I was some sort of villain as he had a mind of a child, at times. That night the mood had changed and Sherlock was getting frustrated I tried to calm him down as he started to shoot at the yellow tinted smiley face on the wall. I couldnt understand why he was acting up in this way but I was just glad Mrs. Hudson wasnt here. When hed stopped he dropped the gun dramatically onto the floor and stared at me with a sort of Come here look so I came to him and said yes? Sherlock had moved close so close I could feel his soft hot breath tingle on my skin. He whispered into my ear calmly John Im sorry Ive disappointed you and that Ive done stupid things to you next time just tell me to stop, promise me John youll tell me to stop!

Speechless this man was acting like some sort of punished criminal crying out for you to forgive them.

After that moment Sherlock tried to hug me and because of my not so mutual feelings for him I allowed it. He was being gentle with me like I was something precious to him.

Time passed it had already been a 3 weeks staying with Sherlock and things seemed to be awkward I think Sherlock figured out that I didnt just want to be friends. I tried to convince him to give up trying to figure out my emotions for him but I could tell it was too late he started to stare at me, and always check were I was. He was like a guard dog he wouldnt allow anyone he thought wasnt good enough to come near me. And if someone touched me hed get jealous and walk away or try to stare down the person so they would get so freaked out and just go away.

Sherlock finally decided to get the truth out of me and said John Im flattered I really am and whatever you what to do next with our so called mutual friendship is up to you but dont forget I know when people have feelings for someone. DONT YOU EVER FORGET THAT!

It happened I grabbed his arm before he ran away like a coward and I kissed him I actually kissed him. My heart was like a race horse my body felt loved, my blood pumping rapidly in my veins and I finally felt happy. That was the Best time with Sherlock Holmes! 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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