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Y/N has created a chat.

Y/N: Well, this is a whole bunch of bullshit.

Y/N has renamed the chat: Avengers "Anonymous"

Y/N has added, Steve, Thor, Natasha, Rocket, Bruce, Clint.

Steve: Y/N, what is this?

Y/N: Counselling.

Steve: Why would we need counselling?

Y/N: Why would we need counselling, he asks.

Y/N: Have you looked in a mirror lately? You think those sideburns are a wise choice?

Natasha: She has a point there, Steve.

Clint: Yeah Steve, the '50s are over.

Natasha: Thankfully.

Y/N: You can hardly talk, Clint. What's with the hair?

Clint: What is wrong with my hair?!

Y/N: It looks like a whole other entity.

Clint: What's wrong with that?

Y/N: It looks like you glued road kill on your head.

Y/N: Rocket stay away from him.

Rocket: Huh?

Y/N: I'm only trying to protect you.

Clint: I'm not gonna kill the raccoon!

Rocket: Who the hell are you calling a raccoon?!

Clint: You?

Clint: Because that's what you are.

Rocket: I am not a raccoon!

Thor: No, he is a rabbit!

Steve: Thor, he is literally not a rabbit.

Y/N: Nor is he fully a raccoon, so let's just drop this before his furry head explodes.

Thor: Yes. Back to Barton's stupid hair!

Clint: You can talk, Thor! What happened to yours?

Thor: Please don't make me remember that scary man.

Clint: I'm just saying, I'm not the only one who's changed their hair.

Clint: None of you guys are talking about Natasha's hair.

Y/N: That's because hers looks normal. And just a warning, she could kill you with that plat. So watch what you say.

Clint: What is this? Pick on Clint day?

Y/N: No. This is Avengers Anonymous. Like Alcoholics Anonymous, only more depressing.

Y/N: However we really should make a pick on Clint day.

Clint: Wow, I feel the love in this chat.

Bruce: We do love you, Clint. But we love picking on you more.

Clint: I see that.

Thor: It's our favourite pass time. Next to giving Steve cubes of ice.

Steve: And you wonder why I'm messed up.

Y/N: Because you were extremely ill as a child.

Natasha: Then your mother died.

Thor: Then you copied me by getting RIPPED

Bruce: Then you lost Bucky.

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