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Athena blinked open her eyes. She found herself floating in a dark void. Guess Rainbow Steve's powers really work during emergencies... she searched her inventory but found nothing. Crap... when did I lose everything? The next thing she knew was that she looked semi-transparent, she was in a spirit form! Athena scratched her head confusingly. The last thing she had remembered was plummeting down while clinging to Seccare, obviously she and Prism Steve would have to make up an excuse for her spirit to search for something...

'Death,' she recalled Prism Steve's determined voice.

'How?' Athena asked, anxious of the exotic idea.

The Steve held both of her hands and cupped them with his other palm. 'Tonight, when the moon is directly right above us,' he paused for a second, glancing around to make sure no one was there. 'I have something to tell you, your Rainbow Steve powers and everything else would do the rest... but only when the time comes...'

You dunce... she muttered under her breath, was Seccare's attack a preplanned setup as well? She shook it away, thinking that their worst enemy would not give a second thought to deny their request for helping their masking, plus the surprised look on Prism Steve's face had already told her that the answers on the papyrus, and the withered General were all unexpected events.

She looked around, navigating herself, and for someone she intended to find. Holding her see-through hands out close, she focused on them as rays of Rainbow light emitted from the palms, giving illumination throughout the unknown dimension. Seeing the presence of light glowing passionately gave Athena some sense of relief.

'Hello? Anybody here?' Her voice echoed through the void. She propelled herself forward, one of her hand stretched out while the other paddled. She was travelling, slowly, but surely.

'I'm here... just like you had asked...' she added, still floating to the void current. The last time she had been hemmed in darkness was the time she had met Plague Steve's ghost. Who would she encounter this time? Athena sighed in frustration, Sabre had told her many adventures he had with both Rainbow Steve and Lucas. From the original Dark Steve, Shadow Steve, Reverse, Positive, Negative, Infinity, Plague, Memory, Void Steves and the unknown entity, Faceless... all those evil who came before, all dead, all remained as sinned souls and all locked up in the darkest part of the Land of Lost Steves...

     Athena gulped as she heard distant roars around her. I AM in the Land of Lost Steves... her hand searched behind her to find her swords weren't there. Flip this...

     'Hey, look what the cat dragged in...' She turned her head to the voice. Immediately, myriad of laughter rose around her. Athena encased herself in a Rainbow bubble, which emitted some light to illuminate more of the place. Instantly, she saw faces, faces that seemed familiar... faces that had tortured her before...

     Snap out of it! Athena gentle-slapped her head, Rainbow Steve trusts you as a spirit host, doesn't mean you can BE him! A bash sent her squeak in shock. A figure coated in black and white stared at her with his dark indigo eyes. 'You're right, Plague Steve, he's right in here!' He exclaimed, though innocently, it felt dark, which made her shiver. The figure held up his colourless palm. 'I could just slowly drain all his colours from—'

Plague Steve soared in and slapped his hand away. 'This is quite a haste from you, Reverse Steve!' His shout echoed for a while as Reverse Steve crossed his arms and pelted aside, seeming to mumble a curse under his breath.

'I don't see why Elemental Steve and Nightmare Steve aren't here,' another voice piped up, his pelt was yellow and red, but had a negative sign on his chest. Athena tried to check on him when another call cut them off.

Steve Saga - Dawn of the Steves [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon