Chapter 1

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Wadanohara, her familiars, Samekichi, and her demon friends were on her boat, sailing to another land.
"Explore!!!!!" Memoca exclaimed. As usual, Dolphi copied her.
Wadanohara smiled at her youngest familiars. Somewhere where she wasn't looking, Fukami and Samekichi were having a glare battle. The continued glaring at each other until someone told them to stop. Ver Million, Vendetto, and Laurentia were just standing there, really doing nothing. Wadanohara had invited them and they had said yes, so here they were. Ver Million walked up to Wadanohara.
"So, where we going?" The demon asked.
"Well, I haven't heard much of it, but apparently the rulers of another place have invited us for something," Wadanohara replied, her finger on her chin as she tried to remember. "I think it's a place called the Gray Garden?"
At those words, almost everyone reacted. Memoca, Dolphi and Laurentia looked happy about it, Fukami and Samekichi were still glaring at each other, and Ver looked interested. The most unusual reaction came from Vendetto. He stiffened and paled, then became silent for the rest of the trip unless spoken to. Everyone could hear him muttering about something, but they didn't know what.
"Huh~? Vendetto, what's wrong?" Laurentia asked him.
"Nothing." He looked away and moved somewhere else so he wouldn't be bothered.
"That guy is such a weirdo," Memoca said.
"W-weird," Dolphi agreed.
"Memoca! That's rude!" Wadanohara exclaimed. She and the two female demons walked over to him.
"No," Vendetto said, not looking at them.
Then they moved away.
"Oh~ give him some time and he might say something~," Laurentia said before walking away to do something else.
The remainder of the trip seemed okay. But there were occasional obstacles, such as the orca Idate not looking where he was going and almost getting hit.
As time passed by, Wadanohara wondered when they were going to arrive. It had been 48 hours since they set off, and they hadn't seen anything but the vast sea. Memoca was bored, and had nothing to do.
"When are we gonna get there?" She asked, her head and arms on the railing.
Everyone looked at Vendetto, who had been quiet for quiet a while.
"How d'you know?" Memoca looked at him weirdly.
"Not telling."
Everyone stared at him for a few minutes before going back to what they were doing.

-end of chapter 1-

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