Chapter two

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Mabel's POV 

I looked high and low but I couldn't find Dipper anywhere! I was starting to get a bit worried. I decided to go back to the attic to check one more time just in case I had somehow missed him, and boom! There he was sleeping peacefully on his bed! I should probably let him sleep, he's probably exhausted! I know I am. I got in my pjs and went to sleep.

 In the morning

 No one's POV 

 Dipper snuggled his pillow clinging to unconsciousness but unfortunately he was rudely awakened by Mabel pounding on the door saying to get up and that it was time for lunch and that he had exciting stuff to be caught up on. He groaned getting out of bed reluctantly and got dressed. He walked down to the kitchen where he smelled Stan cakes and sat down at the table after making himself a cup of coffee. 

 "Hey bro bro!" Mabel said excitedly. He ignored her. She frowned, "Bro bro?" She asked slightly deflated. He ignored her again. 

 "Don't ignore your sister kid" Grunkle Stan told him in his usual gruff tone.

 "I don't wanna talk to her" Dipper replied. 

 "Why not?" He asked confused as normal. Dipper sighed got up and just left not bothering to say where he was going. 

 Bill's POV 

 I smirked internally as pinetree walked out on his family. I decided to talk to him again today. He didn't seem to notice the color drain out of the world and kept walking. 

 "Pinetree~" I called to get his attention.

 "Bill?" He called back seeming to perk up once he knew I was here. I laughed and he looked around for me. 

 "Over here Pinetree" and made myself visible. He smiled.

 "Good morning!" He said obviously happy to see me. Oh how I loved my sweet, untainted pinetree. 

 "Good morning to you too pinetree" oh if I had a mouth would I be smiling! The plans going perfectly! Pinetree trusts me, heck he even enjoys my presence immensely, I know because I can read his thoughts. Oh my sweet beloved pinetree, you'll be mine soon. 

 "How are you doing?" Pinetree asked.

 "Wonderful, how about you pinetree?" I asked him enthusiastically. He just shrugged. "Don't make me read your thoughts pinetree"

 "I'm not quite sure. I'm angry at Mabel, I'm frustrated with most other things, and now that I'm around you I'm pretty happy to be honest" He said. Oh how that warmed my non-existent heart! I make him happy, I mean I already knew that, but hearing him say it was wonderful to hear! 

"Pinetree, I was wondering if you could get something for me? Just a simple little thing. Nothing complicated" I asked him. 

 "Of course!" he said, smiling. Perfect! Victory is so close I can practically taste it! 

 "Thanks pinetree! It's a small snow globe looking thing with what's gonna look like a galaxy in it okay pinetree? Can you get it for me?" he nodded eagerly. 

 "When?" He asked.

 "Whenever you can get to it. Take your time pinetree, " I told him. "But the sooner the better!"

 "Got it!" oh perfect pinetree. So eager to do what I wanted. I released him from the mindscape and he ran off towards the shack.   

Ey meh peeps. I've updated and I may update Harry Lestrange soon too. I'm still surprised that its soo popular. I thought I'd get like five reads lol. Welp, adios my peeps!

*Vanishes in a cloud of red and blue glitter*

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