The Hunt That Changed Everything Dean x Reader

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Dean x ReaderWarnings: language, smut, drinking, oral sex female receiving

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Dean x Reader
Warnings: language, smut, drinking, oral sex female receiving.
Summary: After getting an injury on a hunt gone wrong and Dean thinking he almost lost you, you spend the night after you wake up talking about your childhoods when one thing leads to another and your life is changed for good.
My head was spinning as Dean carried me into the bunker.

"Put her on the table Dean. We need to get this cleaned and sewn up before she looses too much blood." Sam tried to keep his cool but his voice was shaky and I could tell he was worried. I didn't blame him, my leg was cut pretty badly and I was loosing a lot of blood. My lips had turned blue and it was hard to keep my eyes open.

The hunt had gone well, pretty straightforward. That is until we found the nest. The case took place right in Lebanon, so it wasn't far. Two bodies had turned up dead, puncture wounds in their necks. It was pretty obvious it was vampires from the beginning. We found the nest easily and were encountered by eight vamps. They put up a good fight but I knew they wouldn't be much of a match for us. I could barely manage hunts but my partners, Sam and Dean, were some of the best and most feared hunters out there. We easily took all of them out but in the process I had failed to notice the newly turned vampire that jumped from the balcony and latched onto my back.

She tackled me to the ground and lunged at my neck with her teeth. When she had tackled me to the ground I had lost my knife but I was able to grab a wooden beam that used to be part of the balcony and press it to her neck to stop her from biting me. I tried to hold onto the beam while I reached for my knife but she grabbed it before I could and dug it deep into my left leg, pulling downwards and leaving a nice eight inch gash. I screamed out in agony my head now on the concrete floor and my arms giving out to release the piece of wood in my hands. The vampire now pressed it to my neck and pushed down, cutting off my access to air. I choked and gasped but no air was reaching my lungs.

In the distance I head Dean yell "No!" and felt a splatter of blood hit my face as Sam swung his machete to behead the monster. Sam kneeled down beside me and placed his hands on either side of my face.

"Y/N! Stay with me!" My vision drifted in and out. "Hey, hey look at me." I forced my eyes to look up to meet his. "Hey, you're going to be okay, alright? We'll get you to the bunker and it's going to be okay, just stay with me."

Sam turned to Dean who stood there in shock, looking down at my limp body. "Dean! Come on we have to get her back to the bunker!"

That was enough to snap out of his daze and rush over to me. He slid his arms under my legs and upper back and picked me up bridal style. They rushed out to the car and Sam got in the driver seat while Dean climbed in the back with me. Sam sped down the highway as fast as possible. Dean tended to my wound, tearing off one of his sleeves and tying a tourniquet around my leg to stop the blood and whispering for me to stay with him. I tried to keep my gaze on his gorgeous green eyes but my vision was cutting out and I wasn't sure how long I could keep this up.
Dean placed me down on the table and Sam quickly got to work, pouring some Jack Daniels onto a rag and pressing it to the gash in my thigh.

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