Maya's Sick

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Two days after the movies

Maya's POV

I woke up earlier than Emma to throw out the trash then i saw Lucas in his pajamas throwing out his trash i rushed back inside my house and thought about a way to get Emma and Lucas to see each other. So then i pretended to be sick .

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay here to take care of you?"

"Yeah I'm going to the doctor later now go pick up Riley."


Emma's POV

I left and ran to the subway before it left then i saw Lucas and i walked up to him.

"Hey." I greeted him.


We smiled at each other as we got lost in each other's eyes.


"Yeah Lucas?"

"Remember when we held hands in the scary part of the movie.......was it because we were scared or was it something else?" He asked.

I froze and then i spoke "It was because we were scared I think i don't know maybe,this is my stop i have to pick up Riley see you at school!"

Thank you subway you saved me. I ran to Rileys then I buzzed in "Emma!"

"Come on up"


"Where's Maya? "

"She's sick."

We got to school and i went to my locker.Lucas was one locker away from mine i saw him when i got my history book out of my locker

"Hey Emma."


"You want to walk to history together?"


We walked to history we sat in our seats and we were paying attention to what Mr Mathews was teaching. I could feel Lucas staring at me so then i turned around to see Lucas smiling at me. I smiled back. The bell rang.

After school

Lucas POV

When Mr Mathews was teaching during history i wasn't paying attention to him all i did for the whole period was just stare and smile at Emma. She was just so beautiful with her little dimples then i realized that i liked her. Right now I'm going to text her and ask her what she's doing.




Emma:In the subway with Riley about to drop her off hbu

Me:In the subway well i gtg byeeee


Emma's POV

"Im sorry Riley i can't go to your house I have to go take care of Maya ."

"Ok this is my stop bye."


I got to the front door of my house when i saw Lucas next door. I panicked then he saw me.

"Hi Emma!" he said smiling.

"Oh hi Lucas do you live there?" I asked.

"Yeah." he answered.

"Were neighbors then." i said nervously.

"I guess we are." he said smirking.

"Well i gotta go bye!" I said real quick and ran inside.

"Bye!" he yelled.

Maya's POV

I heard the door open then I went to the living room and i saw Emma looking out the window.

"What are you doing?" i asked

"Did you know that Lucas lived next door?"


"Since when and why didn't you tell me?"

"Since this morning and i wanted you see him yourself cause i know how much you like him."

"Maya!"she yelled.


"Im just gonna go take a shower."


This is bad when Emma takes a shower two times a day it either means she's scared, mad, or she needs a shower to calm her down.

A little while later

Maya's POV

I was laying down listening to music on my bed when i heard knocking on the door.

"Can you get that?" Emma asked.

"Sure!" i yelled

I went to go open the door and Lucas was standing there. I let him in and we sat on the couch. Did i mention that we moved houses when Emma came back with all her money that she saved from the show.

"Why are you here Lucas?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Im here to ask you and Emma a question." he said

"Well she's in the shower so your gonna have to wait." I informed him.

"Okay." he said

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