Prologue: The Princess and the Shinobi

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Not so very long ago in a not so distant land of United States of America, there lived a Princess and a Shinobi... And we are just going to stop the fairy tale stuff there because the author has no imagination or originality whatsoever. What is trying to be said is that this is a story of a Disney nerd and an Anime fan.

Sally Symphony Baker is a 16-year old girl with long wavy platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Shes born and raised in Hollywood California and she lives in a quite well-off family. Her father works as an engineer and her mother is a successful journalist for a famous magazine, travelling the world as part of her work. Not only that, she also has a big brother who is all the way in Singapore, working as a manager of a big company. He has a wife and two kids already, and he has a very successful career. The most important fact about her though is her obsession with Disney. She's a huge Disney nerd, having watched all their animated movies, have been to all their touring and resort destinations, have a collection of their merchandise, and probably memorized all the lyrics of every Disney song that has ever been made.

Akira Kishimoto is an 18-year old Japanese boy with glasses who was born in Nagoya Japan but was raised in Portland Oregon. Akira, or Kira for short, has quite a rough life. His mother had problems with heroin addiction, so she is currently in rehab trying to recover. His father is a freelance architect, so they dont really have a steady income. In fact, he's kind of in a slump right now. With two little sisters to boot, Kira had to take care of his family when his dad isn't there. Though not having the best of luck in life, he finds comfort and encouragement from anime and manga. Which leads us to his obsession with anime. He has a vast knowledge of anime, both movies and series. Yeah, he hasn't watched all of them, but his anime resume is quite impressive. Not to mention he's played so many visual novels and JRPGs that he lost count, and lets not forget his seemingly never-ending stack of manga.

Now, their dads are best friends and frequent collaborators. Mr. Kishimoto often ask Mr. Baker to work with him when he has a project and vice versa. Because of this connection, Sally and Kira know each other very well. Sally knows that Kira is an independent and reliable big brother to his two younger sisters who happens to be twins. Kira knows that Sally is a very pretty girl who is smart and lives in a big fancy house. They know each other quite well, but they despise each other with a passion.

Whenever they see each other or in the same room together, they would either give each other the silent treatment or take a jab at each others fandom. One cannot count all the times Kira calls Disney an evil cooperation trying to take over the world by buying companies after companies. It's probably the same amount of times Sally list all the ongoing anime that never ends because they made Japan a butt load of money.

According to Kira, all Disney fans are mindless corporate puppets who think that the world is all rainbows and gumdrops and that they will be able to find their true love with the first person they are attracted to. Because of course all Disney fan would marry someone they've just met and of course they would break into a musical number complete with dance sequences.

According to Sally, all anime fans are disgusting perverts who enjoys looking at women with unrealistic body types and have many imaginative yet disturbing sexual orientation. Because of course all anime fans are into weird kinks and they expect to have a harem of girls with exaggerated chest sizes.

All Disney women are helpless damsels in distress and all anime women are excuses for fan service. All anime men are either emos or goofballs with 23 episodes worth of tragic backstory and all Disney princes are bland uninteresting cardboard cutout with barely any personality or even dialogue.

They do this so much that they don't really remember how it all started. Even their parents don't know where this rivalry came from. They just know that Kira and Sally cannot be in the same room together for more than thirty seconds. Unless they want to hear three hours worth of Kira's detailed analysis on Fairy Tail and Sally's lecture on the history of Cinderella.

These two hated each other with every fiber of their being. However, they will have to work together when the stories that they love and cherish is in danger of disappearing.

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