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Hermione hadn't expected herself to get any sleep that night, and she eventually found herself climbing down the staircase to the common room. She was too worried about Harry; the Gryffindors waited for him to return in the common room, but he never did.

Hermione was surprised to find Harry in the common room; he was laying on one of the couches, fast asleep. Her cat, Crookshanks, was asleep on his chest, curled up in a ball and purring deeply.

Hermione couldn't help but smile at the scene. She didn't wanna bother Harry, but she wanted to talk to him, especially after the events of today. She took a seat on the little space on the couch next to Harry. He stirred as she sat down, and she cursed to herself to waking him.

His eyes opened sleepily and he smiled at the sight of her, "Hey." he said, his voice raspy. Hermione leaned down and planted a short kiss on his lips.

"I was so scared for you," she whispered. Harry sat up and kissed her again, much more forcefully this time, as if it were his last time he could feel her lips against his.

"I'm alright now, aren't I?" he said quietly, though his eyes were full of a mixture of grief and fear. Hermione wondered whether or not she should ask him about the events earlier that day, but she decided to wait until tomorrow. It may have been too soon for Harry to talk about it, and she didn't wanna upset him.

Harry sighed and surprised Hermione by resting his head on her lap. He closed his eyes as she ran his fingers through his long, messy hair.

"Are you alright?" she asked quietly.

Harry nodded, his eyes still closed, "I'm just glad this tournament is over," he said.

"You did brilliant, Harry. You really did," said Hermione, and she meant it. Harry really did do amazing, and she was proud of him.

Harry smiled, "Is it just me, or does something happen to the three of us every year?"

"It's not just you," laughed Hermione. "Though, I'm thankful for it. It's making our education an adventure. I wouldn't enjoy Hogwarts half as much if there wasn't anything going on during the year."

"I suppose you're right," said Harry, stifling a yawn. Hermione ran her hand through his hair lightly, making it even messier than it was.

"I'll get a haircut this summer if you'd like," said Harry. He turned so that he was on his back and staring up at Hermione.

Hermione's head snapped around at the sound of the portrait door opening; Harry sat up and did the same. She was surprised to see Ron step into the common room, carrying an armful of food.

"What're doing awake?" he asked, jealously glinting in his eyes. !

"Couldn't sleep," said Harry quickly. "I wouldn't expect you to be wandering the corridors at night."

There was an edge to his tone,and Hermione remembered that they still haven't forgiven each other... for whatever reason they were fighting this time.

"I was hungry," said Ron, snapping Hermione back into reality. "I went to get some food from the kitchen."

Hermione scoffed and turned back around as Ron began to climb the staircase to the boys dormitory.


Hermione, Harry and Ron headed back to the Gryffindor Tower in silence. They had just left the Great Hall, where Professor Dumbledore decided to hold a sort of funeral for Cedric Diggory.

She was still shaken by what Dumbledore had told them; that Diggory was murdered... by Lord Voldemort.

Hermione chanced a glance towards Harry. He was walking slowly, staring at his feet. She could practically see the memories flashing through his green eyes. She wanted to do something- anything- to make him smile.

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