Chapter 24

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"Society says men aren't supposed to show emotion or love each other, but my love for you can't be contained."

"Hey you're awake!" Pit's eyes lit up once Cloud had woken up sitting up on the infirmary bed groaning at the pain in his gut.

"What happened? Where are we?" The blonde's eyes adjusted to the bright white walls and his ears to the machines beeping.

"We checked you into a hospital. You got shot pretty badly. Ike didn't sleep or eat at all, he was waiting for you to wake up. Link convinced him for some fresh air." The brunette explains. "I'm glad you're okay. The doctor says you're free to go whenever."

"What about everyone else? Are they okay?"

Pit nods his head. "Everyone else stayed at a nearby hotel. They were pretty tired but Link, Ike, and I decided to stay here. We didn't want to leave Ike here alone. He doesn't know how to take care of himself." The angel giggles. "Don't take it the wrong way, he cares about you a lot. I don't know what's going on between you two but you guys have something special whether its platonic or romantic."

"I don't know what's going on either. I never felt this way about anybody." Cloud looks down at his hands. "I'm quite scared honestly."

"It's gonna be okay. Everyone can tell Ike feels the same way." Pit assures and the door opens revealing Link and Ike.

"Oh good, you're up!" The blonde's ocean blue eyes lit up strolling over to Cloud. "How are you feeling?"

"I could be better. Let's get out of here." Cloud gets out of the bed with a grimace on his face.

      They choose to check in at the nearest hotel where the others were staying. Link and Pit decided to get a room to themselves leaving Cloud and Ike to share one alone as well. They find Alvis at one of the rooms down the hall hoping to find everyone.

"Sorry. They went out tonight. I'm pretty beat so I didn't go. I'm glad you're made it back okay, Cloudy." The gray haired man smiles at the swordsman.

"Thanks, Alvis. I should get some rest anyway." Cloud rubs his arm awkwardly passing in between Ike and Link.

"Go get him." Link sends the blunette a smirk before walking away with Pit his arm around his waist.

    Shortly Ike heads over to the room Cloud and him checked into. It was decent, it had all the necessities. One queen size bed which Ike wasn't too happy about. A wooden dresser with a large screen TV placed on top. The windows were covered by thick flower pattern curtains that you could find at a grandma's house. An old leather chair was placed against the wall near the windows.

He finds Cloud in the bathroom messing with the gauze bandaged on his side where he got shot.

"I wouldn't touch that." Ike tells him.

Cloud nearly jumps five feet in the air. "Hey! When did you get here?"

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." He puts his hands up defensively.

"Its fine." Cloud forgives him before cleaning his face in the sink.

Why did he even agree to sharing a room with Cloud? Everything is so awkward between them now. Ike always thought he was straight, did Cloud think the same way too or was he bisexual?

The brunette sits on the bed reflecting on his thoughts. He never once thought about dating a guy nor spending his life with one. He always imagined having a wife, a couple of kids, and owning a pretty house in the country. Cloud had changed everything for him. He shouldn't go through with this.

"Ike, I think we should talk." Cloud speaks up once he had gotten out of the bathroom.

"About what? There's nothing to talk about."

"Ike, you know how I feel about you." The blonde looks down at the ground with a blush on his cheeks. "I want us to be together, my life belongs to you."

"There's nothing going on between us and things should stay like that. Cloud, I don't love you." Ike shakes his head. Why the hell is he doing this?

"You don't mean that." He looks at him in disbelief

"I meant it. Every word." Ike states. "This a mistake."

"I see." Is all Cloud says and Ike feels his heart break in two.

  That night Cloud sleeps on the chair against the wall by the window while Ike had dozed off on the bed. So odd how the bed felt so cold no matter how warm the covers seem to be.

It had to be done.

No it didn't. Is what the opposition says.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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