Dance Magic

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Here we go again, I strongly and I do strongly urge you to check out my other stories. Please!!! I personally love writing them out for all of you, and it makes me heartbroken to see them looking so lonely! Oh and please comment, I love hearing from all of, and when I don't see any comments it makes me think you don't like it.

This chapter's song is Dance Magic sung by David Bowie in ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER!! It's called Labyrinth!

Please like and COMMENT!!


Chapter 2

Lucy POV

My mouth hung wide open as the band struck the last chord. They couldn't have seriously just sung that. I was positive they would have been thrown out right there and then, but that's when the true shock came.

The crowd cheered.

Cheered! Were they even listening to the lyrics?

I glanced at my friends. They were also clapping and cheering along with the crowd. Levy was smirking like she had an idea, and Erza simply clapped. Mira cheered wildly with everyone else while Romeo was busy talking with Wendy. I noticed Juvia was no where to be seen.

I nudged Erza. "Where's Juvia?"

She shrugged her shoulders, and we started to scan the crowd. The bluenette wasn't in sight until we could make out some screaming.

"Gray-sama!!! Juvia wants more!!!!!! Juvia wants to hear more of Gray-sama's angelic voice!!"

My palm slapped itself on my forehead. She had to be kidding me. Just a while ago we had no idea who these guys were, and now Juvia's......... No! Don't you dare throw your bra onstage!!!!!

I rushed up and grabbed Juvia by her wrist before she could do anything. I made her look me in the eye.

"Juvia, you do realize he only sang like one sentence?"

Her expression was glazed over with weird smile and her eyes looked as if they had stars in them.

"Juvia doesn't care. Juvia wants more Gray-sama! More Gray-sama!!!!!" She started to almost cry, but she was also still smiling. Is she drunk?

"Maybe, Juvia, you will get the chance to see Gray again......"

Our attention snapped to Levy. She had her phone pressed against her ear and was grinning at the two of us.

"What are you up to?"

Natsu POV

"Man, that was awesome!" I fell back on the ragged couch. I was planning to stay much longer at that stupid party, so I made a b - line straight back to my house. The others came with me, but Laxus was nowhere to be found.

"It certainly was."

My body stiffened. My head began to slowly turn towards the door connecting the house and the garage.

Sure enough, there stood a group of models in the doorway. Lucy was standing in front of them. Her eyes started trailing over everything in the garage. Wendy squirmed through the group and came out with a smile.

"Check it out, Natsu, Lucy-san and the rest came to visit us." I glared at the blonde.

"And how exactly did they know where we live?" The short one with blue hair snapped her phone closed, but didn't even look up.

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