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Warning- contains sensitive and heart breaking scenes.

Villagers rush to surround the pale, sickly body of a man. Children and parents of all ages weep as the man smiles through the pain. Out of all the wails from the crowd, there was one cry louder and harsher than the rest, his eldest daughter. Her eyes held a sadness unlike any other. She had witnessed two family members deaths prior to this. This wasn't uncommon as many of the natives had watched as their loved ones died. The deaths were all triggered by the same detested cause. People would either die from malnutrition, dehydration, heat stroke, consumption of dirty water and many other heat/water related deaths. Inevitably, there was nothing to be done. No way to help.

"PAPA, NO PLEASE NO!" The young girl screams as her fathers eyes begin to flutter. Her mother silently sobs whilst cradling her youngest children. It was too traumatic for her five and twelve year old to witness, so she held them tightly to her chest, providing as much comfort as she could in the unbearable moment.
"...Alizeh...look after...your siblings ...and mother..." her father whispers weakly whilst struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Please Papa, don't go" She helplessly whimpers.
" strong my you all..." with those dying words he passes with a peaceful and solemn look upon his face.

Anguish and despair roams through the streets of the village, cries of misery echo through the walls as the people mourn the death of their chieftain.

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