The project/ documentary

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This is more of a background chapter, so you know what the documetary is about (it is based on a real docu with Goedele Liekens.) Luna studied sexology, there is nothing explicit in this ( at least i don't think so) but if you think i'm wrong, please let me know

The sky was grey and heavy with rain. Luna looked outside her window and sighed. "Hey gloomy." Maya said walking in. "This weather is so depressing." Luna sighed again. Maya laughed isn't that what you are supposed to be? I mean you're a goth and all." she pointed at Luna, who started to laugh " Goths are not depressed, at least not all the time Maya. Besides i like to mix it up " she threw a pillow at her, but Maya got great reflexes. " We are creative and emotional people and we like to express that." "Well you do have a lot of colour in your wardrobe." "Geez, thanks." Luna rolled her eyes and got up. "I have to go to class, see you later?" "Okay later, babe." "Don't call me that!" Luna laughed and walked out their room.

Even with this cold and wet weather, campus was still beautiful, it was a perfect mix of old and modern architecture.

Luna was in her final year soon she was going to face the real world, and she was absolutely frightened. Luna lived more in her own world where everything had his place and purpose, her own fantasy world, her haven.

"That was it for today people." Professor Banks said "Don't forget your papers next week, I need them and being late means no grades." Everyone packed their stuff and starting to head out. "Miss DeWit, Can I speak to you for a moment?" Luna looked up "Yes, professor?" she answered while taking the last of her things and walking towards the desk." "Miss DeWit, I have some interesting news for you. Do you know a Goedele Liekens?" "Yes!" Luna exclaimed nodding her head enthusiastically. The professor smiled at that. "Well she read your paper on Teens and sex... You know what I'm talking about?" "Yes professor." Luna had a big smile on her face. "Goedele is coming to the UK to make a program in a school where she will educate a class of sixteen year olds, she want an assistant and she thought of you." "She did?" Luna was amazed "Yes miss DeWit and I also think she likes the fact you are Belgian as well. You will meet her next week and you can incorporate this experience in your final paper." "Are you serious professor? I 'm going to meet and maybe work with Goedele Liekens? That is amazing! Thank you!" Luna walked out of class with an extra spring in her step and a grin on her face.

The meeting and the preparations:

"Ah, nice to meet you, you must be Luna." Goedele greeted Luna with a smile. "I must say Luna for a girl your age, you have an excellent insight." "Thank you, and I must say I'm a fan. I read all your books when I was sixteen. Because of you I wanted to study sexology." "Oh Thank you Luna, that is so nice of you to say."Luna blushed when Goedele took her hand. "I will explain to you what we are going to do." Goedele began.

They drank coffee while Goedele explained the idea for the program/ documentary. They were going to teach at a high school here in the UK, both would have a class of 20 children, at the end of one month they will test the children and see witch class learned the most. It is sort of a competition for both the instructors and the teens.

"That is so cool Luna!" Maya said when Luna told her about the project. " and you will be on tv too that is so cool, you are going to be a star!" Luna laughed "Don't say that Maya, that's stupid." "I think it's cool, you teaching a bunch of teens while you are 26." "I know I'm old don't rub it in." They both laughed.

Goedele and Luna made a test for their classes, to see what they already know and what not. They were sitting together looking at what their future students wrote down. "Oh boy they don't really know anything! I can't believe their ignorance, I wasn't like that at all don't they learn most of this stuff in biology or something?" Luna exclaimed in frustration "How can you, at sixteen not know the basic anatomy of the reproductive organs? Or not know how you can contract hiv or other std s ?" Goedele laughed at Luna's outburst "That is exactly why we are doing this." "But I learned this when i was twelve.""Well in Belgium it is a bit different then here I noticed. That is why I wanted to do this."

Noel Fielding fanfiction: With love, LunaWhere stories live. Discover now