▪︎¤◇Chapter 1◇¤▪︎

Start from the beginning

The maids brought more boxes of gifts as Charlotte put the string of pearls around her neck. "You look very lovely, my lady."

Rin looked at herself in the hand mirror, at all angles. "The pearls are very gorgeous." She said. "What about those gloves?"

The maid held out the box where the cream laced gloves sat neatly and Rin picked them and wore them, looking at her hands studyingly. "Oh, these are lovely too. It would look good to wear to my tea session."

Someone knocked on the door and entered the room. "Rin, have you received the letter from the Count?" The Lord asked.

Rin hummed in question as she popped a piece of chantilly cake into her mouth. "The count? Ah, no. Why do you ask, father?" She asked.

"I see. I just wanted to make sure he didn't accidentally send it to you or the butler mixed it up. Do as you were doing." He said before turning to leave, until he stopped. "Ah, yes. I've completely forgotten, do you remember that we are to attend the royal ball tomorrow?"

"Yes I do, father." Rin replied.

"Good, good." The Lord nodded. "Well then, I'll be my office then!"

"Bye bye~" Rin waved and sipped on her wine.

Charlotte smiled. Most fathers often asked their daughters about their lessons and if they have been working hard, but for this family, the Lord did not need to as his daughter was the most intelligent student and talented lady, in mathematics, science, literature, dance, social studies, history and music.

Rin ran a strand of her long, wavy, golden locks away from her direction with one hand, her hair smoothly gliding across the back of her hand and between the fingers all with a pretty smile.

Everyone in the whole nation and continent beloved and adored the lady for her intelligence, beauty and angelic personality, and many royals and people with high ranks brought and sent her gifts, letters and invitations that came everyday without stop. When lady Rin wasn't reading her books or studying, she was busily sitting as men visited her and brought her flowers and writing back to the royals.

"I feel somewhat a little tired today from the journey back home from the grand library centre." She said, leaning on one hand against the art rest as she half laid on her side.

Her jewel eyes stared down at her drink watching the gold flakes swirl around the champagne. "I think I will skip playing the harpsichord today and stay here for the rest of the day." She wondered if she could manage to attend the ball tomorrow in her current state.

"Understood, my lady." The young head maid bowed.

Rin slowly looked through the letters until she stopped at the familiar envelope with a thin blue ribbon tied criss crossed with a blue wax rose in the centre and opened it, taking out the folded two papers.

To my dear lady,

How are you doing lately now? I write as I am curious if the lady will be there for the royal ball and we haven't seen face to face in quite awhile.

I wait for your answer in the edge of my seat.

Yours sincerely,

Kaito Shion.

She smiled as she sat up straight, taking the papers from the tray her servant held next to her and dipped the pen into the papers before she began to write and finished with her signature and placed the neatly folded letter into the clear lace pattern envelopes. Taking the spoon of melted orange candle wax and pouring it over the paper, she lastly stamped down with the rose stamp and tied a coral pink ribbon over them.

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