Renae and Connor

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I was talking to my boyfriend of two years, Connor on Skype. He was back home in Minesota visiting his family, and I was back home in Boston visiting mine. There was something I had to tell Connor though.

"Hey Con i have to tell you something..." I started saying nervously

"What's up babe?" He asks me

"I was going to tell you when we were reunited, but I don't think I can wait to tell you this... I'm pregnant."

"Really?" He says smiling "That's awesome!"

"I'm glad you're excited about it! I was nervous to tell you!"

"Of course I'm excited babe! When we reunite back in California, I will give you many hugs and kisses!"

"I love you Con da Bon." I say and hold up a heart with my hands

"I love you more Renae."

A/N: I know it's short, but I always try my best with my imagines. I know I'm not the best at writing these

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