Jesus: oHHHH


Me: what

Jesus: what

Me: my mom used to call my vagina a "pee-pee hole" so like idk I don't like the word cabin

Jesus: whAT

Jesus: what does your vagina have to do with a cabin other than they're both hidden deep in a forest


Me: no

Jesus: oh.

Jesus: I'm really starting to question our sanity

Me: I agree we're quite fucked up

Jesus: oh but I wouldn't change a single thing because I love you so much

Me: I love you and our fucked up relationship

Jesus: relationship? Did you just say we were in a relationship?

Me: no. NO. I meant like friendship. Typo. Oops.

Jesus: okay Magdalene, you keep telling yourself that. ;o

[[ H A R R Y ]]

I have a pounding headache. All I had in my car was that weird powder painkillers and it makes me want to vomit. I'm still feeling a little weird after this morning. Everywhere I go people ask about the stupid black eye. I know they already know why.

Alex came up to me in the parking lot this morning and asked why I taped all the screenshots all over his car and I told him that what he did was wrong. He started calling Maggie a bunch of names and I told him I had plenty of other screenshots for him if he felt like doing it again - so he punched me. Some freshman started freaking out and got administration involved.

Enough people saw to know that I was innocent. But Alex might be expelled thankfully. I've been getting tired of his asshole personality for years. I just put up with it because he was my best friend in middle school. I remember in sophomore year when he hooked up with Megan back when I actually really liked Megan.

I step into sixth period - AP Statistics. The second class I have with Maggie. She always sits in the back by the door. I decide if I'm going to text her I can't sit where she can see me texting.

"Hey Maggie Mae," I smile as I walk past her. She seems lost in her phone though. I sit down in the first seat in her row and I feel my phone go off.

Magdalene: Harry and I are alone in a classroom hELP

If you only knew Maggie. I've literally hinted so hard these last few days. I called you Maggie Mae and at lunch I called you Magdalene. I made annotations at inside comments. Why are you being so oblivious?

Me: aw #sexwithharry

Me: that would be the greatest porn video ever ngl

Magdalene: pls stop or I'll cry in a empty classroom with him right there

Magdalene: and I'll be dying and he'll be like wut happened

Magdalene: and I'll have to be like oh nuttin' talking bout sex with u sup

Me: videotape it pls

Magdalene: go away

I can't go away. I'm four seats in front of you, open your eyes. How much more obvious can I be?

Magdalene: honestly I think you were right. Harry's not so bad.

Magdalene: he's just never a guy I'll be interested in


Me: why?

Magdalene: idk he's just not my type. less annoying now... almost nice, sort of. thankfully

Magdalene: I'd choose you over him in a heartbeat. Or anyone over him.

Me: well that was sort of romantic?

"Pfft," I huff under my breath.

"Huh?" I turn around and Maggie staring at me.

"Nothing." I tap my fingers on the desk.

"Oh... Okay."

I sigh and set my phone down. "Why don't you like me?"


Thank you kryping for the cover. You're the bestest. <3

this chapter is dedicated to istylestagram (if i spelled it right?) bc love

texting ✉ book oneWhere stories live. Discover now