"What?" You were utterly confused, and glanced around the room, "Where's Yeon?"

"He's down for his nap," Jungwoo informed you shortly before immediately returning to the original lack of a topic. "Your boss?"

That's when you realized he was referencing the hasty phone call from earlier, when Chan had asked who was calling you and you told him that it was your boss. And he seemed... offended by it?

"What was I supposed to call you? The guy who pays me to live in his condo and take care of his kid?" You were on the defensive, crossing your arms and feeling your blood starting to boil just beneath your skin.

"I have a name."

"You're the one who said I wasn't allowed to let anyone know who Yeonwoo's dad really was. You're the one that wants to keep him in the dark. I'm just playing along until you fire me." Your blood had officially boiled, overtaking the hurt that had returned when you walked in and saw Jungwoo.

You'd clearly confounded him, as he could barely sputter out, "Wh— fire you?"

"Isn't that the plan? Get Yeonwoo to like you again and then hire another nanny who you don't see as a threat to your relationship with him."

Jungwoo sighed, looking ashamed as he admitted, "That was the plan, for the first two weeks..."

You were still worked up, as if you hoped that anger and bitterness would be able to cover up your incredible want to just kiss him, and hold his hand, and all the other things that couples did, "Then what's the plan now?"

"To not fire you."

"Oh wow, thanks," you scoffed, voice heavy with sarcasm.

"And, to go watch the meteor shower tonight."

Now it was your turn to be dumbstruck, "The...?"

"Meteor shower," he confirmed, looking almost nervous as his eyes dropped to the hem of his shirt that his fingers were also fidgeting with. "I looked into it after you mentioned what you'd studied in college last night. There's one that's been happening for a few days now, I guess. The P-Per... uh—"

"Perseids? The Perseids meteor shower is happening?"

"Yeah, the peak is happening tonight, and you're supposed to be able to see it from this overlook a few hours outside of Seoul."

You were still speechless, mind hurtling towards a single terrifying and too-good-to-be-true conclusion. Jungwoo nervously looked at the time on his watch, "Uhm, if we want to make it in time, we need to leave in like thirty minutes."

"I'll go get Yeonwoo," you confirmed his unspoken question, earning a gentle smile from the man.


Yeonwoo was still exceptionally chatty as you were trudging up to the overlook later that night, "Where are we going?"

"To watch a meteor shower, Yeonnie," Jungwoo explained as he shifted the boy in his arms. Normally, he'd be walking on his own, but the terrain and mediocre hiking skills the trek required were far too advanced for the little boy to manage on his own two feet.

In your hands were the blanket you were to sit on, small handheld telescope that you'd brought with you from college to your apartment to the condo on a whim, a small picnic, and some toys to keep Yeonwoo occupied just in case.

"What's that?"

Jungwoo looked over to you expectantly, clearly waiting for the astrophysicist inside you to jump out. And she did.

three ☆ k.jw | ✔Where stories live. Discover now