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Chan was as mellow, fun, easy to talk to, and crackhead-ish as ever. It was honestly refreshing, as you got updates on his and Yeeun's misadventures of living together without you, including when she almost hit him in the head with a pan because he had come back at three in the morning and she thought he was a murderer.

"She's been really off ever since you left, Y/N," Chan mused, a notion that both surprised you and made you feel guilty. "Normally she never would have even woken up at me coming home at three in the morning, much less be ready to fight me. When are you coming back?"

You sighed, a dull ache in your chest as you contemplated this, "Soon, I think. Really soon."

"Good," he grinned, pausing the conversation to take a bite of his food.

It was then that your phone rang, and you eagerly brought it out, thinking that it was Yeeun calling you on her break. Instead, the caller ID worried you much more: Kim Jungwoo.

Thinking that the building was on fire, or Yeonwoo had fallen off the balcony or something, you scrambled to accept it, "Hello?"

"Who is that?" Chan asked through his mouthful of food.

You titled the mic away from your mouth to answer shortly, "J—My boss."

"Y/N, can you come home?" Jungwoo's voice was different when he finally answered, and you strained your ears to try to hear any indications of Yeonwoo suffering in the background.

"Of course, what's wrong?" You held your phone to your ear with your shoulder as you started rifling through your wallet for some money to pay and run. Chan watched you with interest, still munching on his lunch.

"Yeonwoo threw up and I—"

At this, you suddenly slowed down, returning your phone to your hand and cutting him off, "What color was it?"


"Was it pink with little seeds in it?"

"Yeah," he almost sounded disappointed as he confirmed your suspicions.

You let out a sigh of relief, knowing smirk on your face as you explained, "That means he got into the raspberries on the kitchen counter. His stomach can't handle the acidity of them yet. Just give him some rice and bananas, he'll be okay."

"Rice and bananas? That's it?"

"He just has an upset stomach, he's a toddler. I promise, he'll be just fine."

"Okay. Bye."

Before you could say goodbye as well, he'd already hung up, and you set your phone down with mild offense on your features.

"What was the emergency?" Your friend questioned as you returned your cash to your wallet and picked up your fork again.

"Yeonwoo threw up and his dad freaked out."

"You can still eat after talking about the color and contents of his puke?"

"You get desensitized," you shrugged before taking a mouthful of your lunch into your mouth.

"Your boss?" Was the first thing you heard when you had returned to the condo in the early evening. You and Chan had walked around the city after your meal and ended up losing track of time. Not that Jungwoo had given you a curfew, and not that you were exceptionally eager to go back anyway.

Jungwoo was sitting at the breakfast bar that was between the kitchen and the living room, twisting his stool to face you. Caught off-guard, you hesitantly set your wallet down on the side table in the hallway by the front door, stepping further inside the condo, maintaining your piercing eye contact with him.

three ☆ k.jw | ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora