You forced yourself to become unfrozen, skirting around Jungwoo—who was carrying yours and his plates to the table—to reach the cabinets for a beverage to distract yourself. Why did just that one touch frazzle you so much? Maybe it was because you could still feel his warm and large hand on your skin, or still smell his freshly clean hair from the shower he must have taken before you woke up, or maybe because of how simply... domestic that one interaction had been.

"Milk or juice?" You asked Yeonwoo, ignoring the short crack in your voice. In your hands were his blue cup, for juice, and his green cup, for milk. He pointed to the green cup, and you returned to the fridge for the milk.

The coffee maker went off just then, and you pulled two more mugs down from the cabinets. You took care of Yeonwoo's drink first, setting it on his tray then turning back to fix yourself and Jungwoo cups of coffee. Sitting down at the head of the table, as Jungwoo had taken the seat beside Yeonwoo's high chair to start feeding him, you then took a bite of your eggs.

"Oh, hey," Jungwoo suddenly seemed to remember something, turning back around to face you, "We're going to visit my parents today."

"Ah, have fun!" You replied with an enthusiastic smile, happy that Yeonwoo would get to see his grandparents again.

His face dropped a little, "You're coming with us, aren't you?"

"I—yeah, right."

You assumed that he meant only him and Yeonwoo, seeing as how 'we' had never really included you before. You were the nanny, this sounded like a family thing.

"Okay, good." Jungwoo's smile came back as you took a short sip of your coffee, "Because my parents would kill me if I didn't bring you too, they miss you almost as much as Yeonnie. And definitely more than they miss me."


You'd been welcomed back at the Kims' house with open arms, the familiar surroundings bringing back fond memories. It had only been a month and a half since you'd been here, but it felt closer to years. So much had changed, but also somehow stayed the same. You were different, but everything about this place was exactly the same, a comforting sight.

Yeonwoo had been more excited and energetic than usual as soon as the car stopped in front of his grandparents' house. And now, he had dragged his dad outside to the backyard, running around with him endlessly. Even Mr. Kim seemed to have enough in him to join in for a while, concerning you but amusing his wife. Mrs. Kim joined you on the porch to sit in her chair and absentmindedly knit, truly focused on affectionately watching the three generations of Kim men all play together.

"You're a miracle-worker, Y/N," she commented approvingly, drawing your eyes away from Jungwoo dramatically falling after being 'tackled' by Yeonwoo, carefully controlling his descent as to not crush the toddler.

"All Yeonwoo needed was time to get used to his dad again," you tried to shrug off her high praise, but she scoffed in return.

"I don't mean just with Yeonwoo. I meant my son, too. Jungwoo had Yeonwoo for only a few months before he gave him to us, he was never really his father even before that. He didn't know how to be one, he just got this kid dumped on him and freaked out. Thank you for making him actually learn to be the father Yeonwoo deserves."

You were winded by the exaltations she had about you, but she still wasn't done as she kept musing, "I can't remember the last time I've seen him smile so much. Ever since he joined that damned company out of college, he was so busy and cold, even with us. But now... he's as soft and bright as when he was Yeonwoo's age. You gave him his son back, Y/N, but you also gave us ours back too."

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