"He's also getting biometrics installed within the next six months as well, in addition to the codes."

You figured you wouldn't be here by the time he did, but still astonished by the overwhelmingly sophisticated security. The elevator opened to a small hallway with a single door that once again had a code box for the driver to input his code. The door swung open on its own, and the man ushered you in, following with your bags.

"This is where I leave you, Ms. Y/L/N. Mr. Kim will be home at six tonight for dinner with Yeonwoo. Until then, make yourselves at home. Your rooms are down the hallway on your right, yours is the second on your left, Yeonwoo's is across from yours, and Jungwoo's is at the far end. I have a pager on me, press the button by the front door if you need anything."

Just before he went to leave, you managed to break through your head spinning at the information he'd just given you to ask, "Wait. What's your name?"

"Just call me Yu," he nodded to you before opening the door again, "Have a lovely evening, Ms. Y/L/N. Don't forget to page me if you need anything."

And now you were left with Yeonwoo in this huge, intimidating condo. Well, might as well start unpacking. Unfortunately, you couldn't set Yeonwoo down on his own, as it seemed that Jungwoo had nothing childproofed around here, and the place was so big that you'd lose Yeon if you weren't keeping a close watch on him. To his indignation, you herded him towards the hall where Yu had said your rooms would be, bringing most of his luggage with you.

"Here, Yeon," you set him down in the room Yu had informed you was his, and definitely was based on the toddler bed in the corner of it. "Can you put your toys away? In the trunk over there."

He nodded, taking this task very seriously, and you kept one eye on him as you opened the drawers of his dresser to put his clothes away. But they were already full, and you were now left with half of the boy's closet from his grandparents' house. Taking a shirt out from the dresser, you frowned when you realized that it was at least a size too small, and it seemed that most of the clothes in there were as well.

You methodically checked the tag of every article of clothing, reminding yourself of the sizing difference between brands, making a pile of the clothes that were too big, too small, and then the ones that actually fit him. Figuring that you should keep the ones that were too big for him to grow into, you put those all back in the top drawers, putting the clothes that fit him as well as the ones you'd brought in the bottom drawers, for him to be able to reach on the days you let him choose his own outfit. Now you weren't sure what to do with the too-small clothes, deciding to let Jungwoo know later.

Yeonwoo was investigating the bookshelf in the corner of the room, reaching up for something. On the top shelf of the small three-shelf bookshelf that was just out of reach for him was a familiar blueish cover. His favorite book.

"You want to read Max the Minnow?" You asked, reaching for the book as he fervently nodded. Pointing to the object in your hand, you expectantly said, "Book. Can you say book for me, bub?"

Yeonwoo was silent as always, but still grinning up at you with the brightest smile you'd ever seen, one that always washed away your frustration over his lack of speech.

After reading him a few books, you took him back out to the main space, glancing at the clock. 5:17, Jungwoo would be home soon. Yeonwoo followed you into the kitchen, where you thankfully found a high chair. It didn't look as though there was any food prepared, and you were unsure as to whether or not Jungwoo expected you to cook dinner. Figuring that it was better to have done it and surprise him than not do it and get scolded or something, you set Yeonwoo down in the high chair and gave him a few of his crackers that you carried in the diaper bag. That would keep him occupied for a while.

three ☆ k.jw | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon