Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

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**This is probably what would happen to me if I got chocolate from someone. This is in Tess's point of view.*

"Tess make sure to not run around and do dangerous things and be nice to your brothers",  my mom tells me.

I know they are going on some kind of trip over in California. I always have wanted to go there. She walks away and I begin to start relaxing.

Wait a second the gift she got for dad is still in my room.

I grab it and book it down the stairs. I'm going to regret this later.

"Wait!", I yell. I see two heads spin at me. The door is open letting all the cold air in. I quickly cling onto mom's arm. Partially because I was going to fall over, and partially because I needed to explain that I wasn't going to go sprinting while she was gone. With telepathy, sorta, I don't know what to really call it.

Why were you running so fast?

I had to give you dads gift. Oh and, I promise that I won't run around like this while you are gone.

We nod in agreement and I say one more thing.

Um make it look like we are still talking. I'm going to fall over if we let go right now.

Yeah I can tell my arm hurts.


We pretend to talk for a minute and eventually I let go and try to look normal as I walk away. Before passing out on the couch.


Ding dong.

The doorbell rings again. I dizzily get up and answer it. My the time I make it to the door I'm fine.

Oh man why would does it have to be Emmett.

"Hi Emmett how are you doing", I try to say as calmly as possible. Which fails because his faces gets red.

"So....... um I got these for you", he hands a me a little, red, heart shaped box. A box with chocolate.

"Thanks I wish I got something for you but uh I don't."

"Oh no, you don't need to I just wanted to be nice and yeah."

I smile and wave goodbye and close the door before sighing in awe. He got these just for me. He beat both of my brothers in everything.

"Ooh", a voice comes from the stairs.

"Nope these are mine Mark. No touchy", I slap the idea out of his head.

He groans as I walk past him, chocolate in hand.

I'm saving this for valentines. And then I have more candy.

I hide it The the back of my closet with all the other candy I got. Some from before mom and dad left for their trip. Some from stealing it from my brothers.


"Tess your phone is ringing. And guess who it is?"

"Coming", I call.

I pick up the phone. "Hello."

"Hey, uh, sorry for earlier. I was also to going invite you and you brothers over for a valentines party", it was Emmett. "and we already talked to your parents and all that stuff. It originally was just going to be you and be but uh, that didn't work well with my parents so that's why your brothers are also invited."

"That sounds like fun. Text me the time and if we should bring anything and we will be there."


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