Coming Up With A Cover Story Part 1

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A.N. Sorry it took so long to update, but I have had school, family problems, and personal problems to deal with. I have had this part down for while, but I have been without wifi. My original plan was just to do one big chapter, but I moved and I lost the original draft. I usually write down my stories and then type them so I only had half it done. I need to get something out I hope you like it.

Peter Parker P.O.V

      The entire cafeteria was staring at me. My history teacher stepped forward, "Mr.Thomson I warned you about using that word, you have detention with me after school." Flash glared at me, "What that's so unfair he is." "Enough Mr.Thomson!" MJ and Harry were trying to get my attention but I couldn't take it anymore I grabbed Sam and Ava and dragged them out of the cafeteria. When we exited the cafeteria Ava pulled away from I looked at her and said, "Why would you say that!" "Oh come on Parker it wasn't that bad I gave you a backstory for knowing and I got my revenge on having to clean the bathrooms." Now I was lost "What?" Just then Danny and Luke came out of the cafeteria. Luke spoke up still chuckling a little, "We should talk to Agent principal Coulson before you guys catch any more attention" We all started to head towards his office. That's when MJ and Harry came out. I didn't know what to tell them and I panicked grabbing the closest person to me and ran. 

     When I got there it took a few seconds for the others to catch up and when they did I was already explaining to Coulson what happened. When I finished he said, "I don't see the problem, it gives you guys a reason to know each other and why you always squabble. Plus you two don't seem to mind holding each other hands." I look over and I realized that the person I had grabbed was Sam and that I was still holding his hand. I let it go as fast as I can, "Why are you holding my hand bucket head!" "You were the one who grabbed my hand Webhead!" "I uh" I didn't know what to say because technically he was right I did grab his hand. It's not like I did it on purpose, and I totally don't miss the feel of his hand in my hand. The ache of longing is for something else and totally not his hand. Thankfully Agent Coulson interrupted us, "That's enough of your fighting. At least we know you guys won't have the problem of you two acting like exes. Ok, the nicknames have to stop, if you must call each other by ridiculous names try something that won't blow your covers, Ok good. Now, Sam and Peter, you guys go home and come up with a cover story. Uh while I deal with any repercussions this had now I don't think it will be any, but if it affects the budget you are all will be destroyed." We all gulped and quickly left before he could threaten us any more. I turned to Ava, "Why would you do that!" Before I could force an answer to the question Harry and MJ ran up to me and pulled me away.

     I was soon in an abandoned classroom. Questions where being thrown at me so fast that I couldn't even understand what they were saying."STOP, I know you guys have some question, but one at a time I can't understand you guys." MJ was going to say something, but Harry pushed her out of the way. "Pete why didn't you tell me you are gay aren't we best friends?" Before I could answer MJ shoved Harry hard, "First don't push me and second Pete could tell us whenever he wanted, but to be honest it was obvious especially after our first and last kiss." What how could it be obvious if I am not gay." Well, it might be obvious for you, but Pete and I never kissed so it wasn't for me" "Oh ho Harry I didn't know you liked Pete in that way." "Shut up and you know what I meant, but serious Pete you could have trusted us." I didn't know what to say. What if I said something and they asked Sam and he said something else? Here goes nothing, "Guys, I was going to but we b-broke up and then I couldn't." "Oh, Pete I am so sorry I was just thinking about me I didn't even think about how you were feeling with the breakup." I didn't mean for it to come out like that, but I guess it's a good thing it did. "Guys it's fine. It's just complicated......" Before I could say anything else, Sam, burst in. Everyone turned to look at him, "Um hey guys I need to borrow We-Pete we need to discuss somethings." I didn't want to have this awkward conversation with my friends and this would give us time to get our story straight. "Guys we really do need to talk I will see you later. Okay, I promise to explain this all later." Harry step forward, "We will hold you to that Pete, but what do you keep almost calling him. You start saying something and stop, you did it in History class too." What should do? Damn Coulson and being right. These damn nicknames are going to get us in serious trouble. "Um, it's a nickname I used call Petter. I obviously don't think it appropriate to use it anymore. " Wow, that was really mature for Buckethead. I really thought he was going to say something to embarrass me. He looked over at me and smirked and I knew I thought too soon, "Actually the nickname is Woo Bear" Harry had to hold back a chuckle and MJ was on the floor just rolling around laughing. My face was so red. If he thinks I am just going to let him get away with that he is dead wrong, "Actually that was just my nickname. Sam had one of his own and it was .... bunny head." Harry fell to the ground laughing and MJ was just dead. Sam gave me a look of hate, fear, and disgust. I took this moment to grab Sam's hand and run out the door went to our lockers and ran to the roof.

    When we got there we kind of just stood there awkwardly and quietly. We both realized we were still holding hands and we both let go quickly. We didn't say anything I guess we both realized the situation was awkward enough without us saying something stupid. "Let's just go to your house and get this figured out as fast as we can," Sam said while blushing. "Why do we have to go to my house? Why can't we go to yours?" "I live in the helicarrier webhead unless you want everyone there to know about this then go right ahead lead the way." I felt the heat of embarrassment settle into my face. "I am sorry I didn't know." Sam just looked at me and sighed, " It doesn't matter, but hopefully how rude and stupid it is for you to be asking for "me time"." "What do you mean?" "I mean that Ava, Luke, Danny and I gave up a lot to be here. We don't get "me time". The closest thing we have gotten so far is school and you..." "And I blew up on you guys. I am sorry I guess I still have a lot to learn about being a superhero." "You bet you do and it is not just me you need to apologize to." "I know and I will, but later first I think we should go to my house." We were walking there and neither of us was talking. It was very awkward but oddly comforting. As we reached the house I put my hand in my pockets to get my key. I felt nothing suddenly I remembered that I left them in my room. "Is there a problem," Sam asked behind me. "Um, I might have forgotten my key in my room." "So we are locked out?""No, don't worry we can get through my bedroom window." Without even asking I picked him up bridal style and jumped onto the roof." "Ahhh. Why did you do that I could have done that myself," Sam asked while blushing? "I thought you couldn't use your powers without your helmet?" "I can, well not all of them, but one the side effects of the helmet is that I can use some of them without the helmet. I just can't control it yet." Well, anyway let's get in. I opened up my window and climbed through and helped Sam in" "I feel like a common criminal." "You'll get used to it." Suddenly our faces turned bright red. "I ... I don't mean... I am not... going to sneak you into my bedroom enough for you to get used to it... I am just going to shut up now"


Thank you all for reading this. I recently started writing my own original work so please check it out. Even if you don't like it it would mean a lot if I could get some feedback. That goes for all my work so don't be afraid to give me advice.

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