~Chapter 2~ The Friendly Encounter

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The man startled Sierra, and then she began to wonder how long he has been standing there. Sierra then looked up at the barista who had a dazed looked in her eyes while looking at the man. She then looked over at the man to and she couldn’t believe who was standing right in front of her eyes

“y-y-your …” sputtered out Sierra

“Yes I’m Liam” he chuckled

“You’re not just Liam; you’re Liam Payne, from One Direction,” blushed a little girl from one of the tables

Sierra couldn’t believe it, One Direction’s very own Liam Payne is standing right in front of her and she probably looked like a mess from crying.

“Don’t worry Hun, I’ll pay for the drink,” smiled Liam walking over and handing the barista some money. Sierra still couldn’t believe it, Liam Payne, from the world wide famous boy band, is standing right in front of her and he even just paid for her hot chocolate. But then she got snapped out of thought when Liam said...

“You look pretty upset, what’s the matter?”

Just then Sierra remembered why she got the free hot chocolate in the first place and she started to cry again and mumbled “omg I have to get going” before running out of the shop into the crisp air and down the street. Liam was confused to what just happened so he ran out after her.

“Wait up!” he yelled jogging after her but Sierra didn’t hear him, she was to caught up in what happened to Jesslyn and Caitlyn. Now it was snowing a lot harder than when Sierra first walked into the shop, the snowflakes were a lot bigger and coming down in heaps, it made it harder to see and for Sierra it didn’t help that her vision was already blurry from crying. “Wait up, please.’’ He yelled again and this time Sierra heard him and turned around to see who was calling her.

“I’m sorry for bothering you but you seem so upset and look like you need someone to talk to, and by the way what’s you name” said Liam finally catching up to her

Sierra was shocked that he, Liam Payne, came after he to see if she was okay,“My name is Sierra, yah I’m upset, but you don’t have to stay here and listen to my problems,” sniffled Sierra while looking at the ground

Liam then reached out his hand and gently placed it under Sierras chin and raised her head so she was looking at him,

 “Fine then I’ll walk with you till you start talking” he grinned as he wipes away a tear from her cheek with his warm yet very soft thumb

Sierra sighed and decided to tell Liam what happened but mostly cause she couldn’t say no to him “where do you want me to start?” she asked shyly

“Ermm how about from the beginning,” grinned Liam as they started to walk to Sierras apartment about a block away.

So Sierra told him about going to work and talking to Miss. Green and how miss green saw Niall walk down this street and how she was excited for Jesslyn and Caitlyn to be coming down, but when she got to the part about the accident she couldn’t help but start to tear up again “when I was waiting for my hot chocolate I watched the little TV and there was an accident and then Jesslyn called me and said that Caitlyn was seriously hurt, then I thought what if they were In that accident so I asked her and she just said to come to the St. Michaels hospital as soon as possible” then tears started to pour down her face non-stop and she couldn’t help it. Finally they reach Sierras apartment building and she said “I just feel like it’s all my fault, like I shouldn’t have invited them up here and if I didn’t that they would still both be safe and uninjured” still with tears constantly rolling down her face

“Sierra it’s not your fault that the drunk driver just happened to be on the same part of the road of you friends, you couldn’t have predicted that that man would be there” said Liam pulling her into a hug to comfort her. Sierra couldn’t help but pull her hands up to her face and cry in them some tears of happiness from actually getting a hug from the actually Liam Payne and some from the thought of her being the cause for the accident

“Well I better get inside,” said Sierra pulling back from the hug and turning around to go inside the building

“Okay, well see you around,” winked Liam before walking down the side walk

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