i dont know why, but i feel conned

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Saying that Lance was exhausted was an understatement. He could barely keep his eyes open and he was extremely drowsy. Leaning into his beta friend, Hunk, he let out a frustrated moan.

Hunk wrapped an arm around the Omega as the bus began to move, making Lance shift in discomfort. The Samoan teen sighed, running fingers through his hair. "What's wrong?" He asked the blue-eyed boy.

"It's nada... nothing." He corrected quickly. "Just tired." He mumbled slightly. He also thought that his heat was coming soon. Lance was a touchy person, yes, but he did have a sense of personal space.

"Well, you're almost home." Hunk reassured, a slight smile curling on his lips as he tried to reassure his best friend.

Lance grunted softly. He still needed to go to ballet class and then he had training with Izzy, Dom, and the head of their Institute, Violet Space Snart. He was a bit apprehensive, training with someone from a higher level.

Besides that, he was terrible at close range fighting. Well, he was better than the average person but bad in terms of an assassin. It frustrated him to no end.

"I know." He mumbled, nuzzling Hunk's arm. "But I still need things to do."

Hunk hummed in realization. "Then sleep. I'll wake you up at our stop." He reassured, hands playing with the Omega's silky hair.

Lance let out a content groan. He let his eyes flutter close. "Thank you, Hunky Monkey." He muttered, closing his eyes and letting a flood of sleep drown him.

It was as refreshing as it always was. When Hunk gently shook him away, he was bursting with energy. He beamed and grinned as he hopped off the bus, the Samoan teenager following the Cuban's trails.

Hunk opened his mouth then shut it, deciding against his question. Unfortunately, for him, Lance caught him and forced him to, according to him, "Spill the tea."

Hunk let a sigh escape his lips as he smiled at his friend. "Who dropped you off yesterday? It was really late. What were you doing?" He asked.

Lance tensed for just a second, before shrugging. "Oh. That was just Izzy and Dom. They were visiting me and we just went to hang out." He replied as casually as possible.

Hunk nodded slowly. "Oh... alright. It's just the guy was pretty attractive and looked very strong... I thought you were on a date or got in trouble." He said softly. "What did you guys do?"

Lance cleared his throat before replying, "We went to a party they were invited to. They had a plus one."

"Ah, that's nice."


Lance almost let out a sigh of relief when his house came to view. He leaned in to hug Hunk and pressed a friendly kiss to his cheek. "Bye, Hunky Monkey." He breathes before rushing into his home.

Unlike the night before, the residence was buzzing with activities. With Louis and his wife, Lisa feeding their little Sofia, Rachel, and Marco giggling as they played with the cards of their mamá, Nadia, and Sylvo racing each other as they did their best to avoid furniture, Mamá screaming at everyone to keep it down as she and his grandmother watched a telenovela. His grandfather was in the kitchen, happily stirring a pot of Caldo de res. Veronica was at his side, inhaling the intoxicating scent as she did her best to focus on agency projects and school homework.

Lance smiled at his loud family, coming over to greet them one by one with chuckles and sloppy kisses.

Soon after he raced upstairs and scribbled on homework assignments. They were fairly easy to answer and finished at a good time. He locked his door and changed into his ballet leotard and those long pants that defined his leg muscles. He also wore his ballet shoes under his warm-up boots. He stuffed some shorts, a loose tank top, combat boots, a small dagger, and a gun in his bag.

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