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A/N: trigger warnings: anxiety and panic attack

Violet's POV

Worthless. She'll leave you as soon as she finds out. You're a monster.

I get up from my chair and begin to walk to my room. I just need to be alone for a while.

Good. You'll be alone forever anyways. Do you really think she loves you? Who could ever love an abomination like you?

I open my bedroom door and sit on the floor by my bed. I pull my knees to my chest and close my eyes.

You don't deserve Clementine. She probably hates you too. She's gonna treat you just like Minnie did. It's the only treatment you deserve.

"Shut up."

Why should I?

"Because you're wrong."

Do you really believe that? I?

You don't. Because it's not true. Would I lie to you?


Nonsense. I am part of you! I could never lie to myself.

"I'm not you."

No. Not entirely. But I am a part of you. Your fears, worries, troubles, sadness, regret, guilt.

"Go away. Please."

Now why would I want to do that?

"Fuck off"

Ooo, we are impatient.

"I said Fuck off."

No thanks.

I cover my ears, hoping to tune it out.

You can't ignore me, I'm already in your head. There's no escape for you.

It's hard to breathe...7 in...5 out...


It's not working...I hyperventilate for air...

Minnie was right.

Drowning in an ocean of problems and sorrow...lost and grief...

You just fuck everything up. Nobody cares about you.

Until a hand appears...

You should have been traded to the raiders.

And I grab on tight...


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