Start from the beginning

The cost of mostly faded scars across his arms. He was thankful his skin healed quick and left little to no scar. It meant there were fewer questions asked. He had a few that were more noticeable than some but played them off to be childhood accidents, if anyone were to ask. Nico had never questioned him about it, which he was grateful for.

Levi took another deep breath and pushed his hair back from his face before heading off to go find Link. He hated himself even more for forgetting that the surgery was with both Link and Nico- a knee replacement surgery. He was lucky to have been asked to scrub in on such an opportunity, but now he had to turn it down all because of his self-destructive behavior.

It took him a short while to find him but he found him standing and talking with Nico. Shit. There was no way he'd be able to get Link by himself without Nico wondering why. There was also no way he could just say it to Link right there and then because it would cause Nico to panic. The mere thought of it made his heart race and his chest burn. The world around him began to get blurry and his breathing became erratic. He had no idea what was happening to him, which only caused him to panic even more.

"You're so lucky to have such a straight forward relationship with Levi. I, for the life of me, still can't figure out this thing with Meredith and DeLuca and I. It's been too long." Link chuckled, resting his elbow on the cart next to him. Nico rolled his eyes at his friend, still not able to believe that he had been chasing Meredith for so long. He glanced behind Link for a split second and spotted Levi stood in the corridor. Link could tell that something was happening behind him when Nico just lit up.

"Speaking of Levi," Nico grinned widely, moving to walk past his friend. Link scoffed playfully and turned to look at where Levi was stood. He could tell something was wrong, Levi looked awful. He looked overly flustered and completely disoriented. Before Nico could even call out to his boyfriend, Levi collapsed to the ground with a thud. Thankfully the hallway wasn't too crowded, but the people around him gasped in shock. "Levi!"

Both Link and Nico sprinted over to Levi to help him, Link telling the people around him to back off and give him some space. They were all trying to gather round to see what had happened, their curiosity getting the better of them. Nico knelt down beside Levi's head, resting the back of his hand against Levi's forehead.

"He's boiling," Nico breathed, glancing up to look at Link in front of him. "Is there any spare beds nearby? We need to get him out of this corridor."

People around them were starting to mutter between themselves. Link got up from where he had been knelt and rushed off to see if he could find any available beds nearby. Nico stayed put, using his hand to brush the hair from Levi's head. He was beginning to come round already, but he was still hazy. He could hear the muttering of a crowd and could feel someone touching him, but that was about it. Nico's face was plastered with concern as he looked down at his partner. Soon enough, Link had returned with two other doctors to help get Levi somewhere quiet and safe. Nico didn't leave his side once as they moved Levi to the spare room they had acquired.

When Levi finally fully came around, he was left confused and dazed by the whole situation. He wasn't where he was before; he was now in a dark room, the window slightly ajar to let a steady breeze in. His head was pounding and he let out a groan at the pain. It alerted Nico that his boyfriend was starting to wake. Levi raised his hand to rest it over his forehead, silently trying to will the pain away. He had no idea how long he had been out for.

He felt a warm hand grab his free one, which startled him slightly.

"Can you hear me?" Nico's voice was low and raspy. Levi managed to nod a little. "What happened out there, Levi? You scared the absolute hell out of me."

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