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"Kat!!! Your bus is waiting!!!"

"Yeah mom I'm coming, I'm coming," I shout back at her.

I take one last look in the mirror before heading down the stairs. Boy, was today going to be the worst day of my life. Oh, and by the way, my name is Kat Anderson, I'm 16 now and trust me, I have changed schools way too many times. My best friend is Samantha Greens, a pretty blonde who has way better hair than I do. My hair is straight and brown, and my face is pretty plain, whereas Sam's hair was long and wavy, with a perfect hourglass body.

I take a deep breath, and head towards the bus.

"Bye, honey! Have a great day at school!"

I nod at her slowly, and turn around to face the bus. Well, here we go! I walk into the bus and realize that there are no seats left. Well what a good way to start!(Note the sarcasm)

I sigh in disappointment but just at that time a super hot and cute guy calls me over to sit with him. I turn around, but there was no one there. 'Me?' I mouth. He just nods. I walked over to him and sit down. He has a chiseled jaw, with big, crystal blue eyes and a perfectly sculpted nose. He smirks, apparently knowing I was checking him out. I blush furiously, trying to cover my face but I fail miserably. Way to go, Kat. You won first prize for embarrassing yourself!

"Hi, I'm Miles," he said as flashes me a grin.

"Hey, I'm Kat. I'm a new student here." I said as I grin back.

"Well, since you're new here..." He pauses," then I can do this!" He immediately crashes his lips onto mine, startling me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screech. I got up and sit next to some random goth.

"Hi, I'm Scarlet, but you can call me Scar, I like it that way," says the goth beside me.

"Well, hi Scar, I'm Kat. Nice to meet you!" I say politely.

"Sorry about Miles, he's like the school's player... But I'll never fall for anyone like him."

"Nah, it's fine. I'll just try to avoid him," I say as we get off the bus.

"Okayyyy..." She says, unsure.

"Alright, see you at lunch! Bye!!"



Wow okay that was quite a short chapter... But wait, there's more to it. Pweaseeee don't get bored with this book thanks :D ~Laurel

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