Chapter 40

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The next week Jason along with Jessamine, Annariah, and Silvia come to visit almost every day so Mac is there all day and Vincent all night. I'm happy with that and stay up late talking with him. It was another night when there was a commotion down the street and Vincent stands.

"I'll go see what it is. Stay here." He says kissing my cheek and walking out my door.

A moment later there's a knock on my window. I go and am surprised to see Jessamine. I open the window.

Come with me. She thinks. I write a quick note for Vincent and then take her hand. We speed through the streets with me in her arms and then we arrive at a carriage and we get in where Jason is inside.

"Talia I'm glad to see you." he says.

"What's going on Jason?" I ask.

"We're kidnapping you." he says and we start moving. I frown.

"That's not very nice. Vincent will be very worried let alone my family, then when he finds out it was you. He'll be very angry. Even angrier than the time before. With Jamina." I say and his face goes blank.

"He told you. I'm very surprised."

"I was surprised as well but I don't fear him, or you. He's learned to control himself now. He won't hurt me." I say and he nods.

"It's very clear he loves you, but I love you just as much and I should get my own time with you as well." he says. I can't get away at all so the only choice I have is to agree.

"Only for a week Jason. I can't worry everyone longer than that." I say and his smile is back.

"Alright I'm glad you agreed. Let's go." he says tapping the roof of the carriage and it starts off. We keep up small talk as we ride along, Jason and I. Jessamine stays out of my mind and keeps to herself. After some hours we get out and I see we came to an inn on the side of the road.

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