The Mind of Peko Pekoyama

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*Art credit to huyandere on tumblr.

Ah... it's morning. The alarm clock is going off. I should get up to turn it off. It's another day. No different from the others. I get dressed, and I should go make the young master breakfast before I go to wake him. I think I'll make French toast today. He's always liked the sweeter foods, though I can't say the same. I make simple toast for myself and quickly eat it. I've been told I shouldn't eat in front of him at breakfast since we were children. I always had to eat out of his sight for breakfast.

Now that I've finished making his food, I should wake him. I'm watching my feet as I walk, but then remember to keep my head up. I walk in. He grumbles, per usual. Always telling me I'm nagging. When really, I'm just helping him follow his own schedule. I leave the room for him to dress himself.

He's out now. I follow him out to the dining room and sit at the table beside him, watching him pick at the berries on top and cut the bread. I try not to stare. He notices when I do. It's hard not to, though, when you can't do much else but wait. I avoid staring as I go off into my headspace. Here.

The young master and I have known eachother for as long as we can remember. They told me I was just a baby when they took me in the clan. I know he's never met the physical expectations his father wished for. He wanted a tall and buff young boy. And the young master likes to blame it on genetics, but he's always been on the short side, and thin.

I've always told him drinking milk would help, since he's often complaining about his height. And it's not like he can't drink milk. He's not lactose intolerant. He just doesn't want to. He's been known to have always hated dairy products. I've heard his father say he even refused his formula milk as a baby, and I wouldn't be all that surprised if that were true.

The young master has always been stubborn. I'd say mostly because he's aware he doesn't meet the expectations of a yakuza heir. He's always made sure I wore the flattest shoes I owned so he could appear taller. I'm not joking when I say he wears small platform shoes. But he's always try to come off as strong or brave or reckless as he can.

It's kinda funny... and conflicting. Because I'm also in love with him. I mean... after living with him and his family for so long, and being the only one who truly knows how to deal with his temper... how can I not?

He tries to look like he's tough. It's silly... I know deep down inside he's more afraid than whoever he tries to scare. He's a lot softer than he makes himself to be. He's good guy beneath his bad boy facade.

I wish I could say I wasn't obsessed. I get very overprotective of him and sometimes nearly act on my own. I just want him to be safe and unharmed. But he has to give me the order or the opponent has to approach to make their attack first.

I'm so in love. I always wish I could have the nerve to ask him if he returns the feelings, but if he doesn't, that would only go downhill for me. He's so soft on the inside... He has a good heart. He's more anti-violence than you'd think. And there are countless times I can recall he made a decision for my sake.

I could only hope maybe one day he'll like me or have the ability to man up and tell me... but I wouldn't be angry if he ended up liking someone else. It would really only be disappointing, knowing that I can't see myself liking anyone else.

My head's a mess, and soon enough I'm stressing myself out at the thought that I could never love another.

Then I practically wake up and see him trying to wave me awake from whatever trance I've put myself in.

"Peko? I'm finished eating."

"... My apologies." I got up and put his dishes in the dishwasher, then followed him off to remind of his daily schedule. "First, we have a scheduled appointment with..."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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