chαptєr í.

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GᑌᗩᖇᗪIᗩᑎ ᗩᑎGE
{ chapter one | in which
three years have passed. }

october 1st, 2015

A bright light filled his vision, his eyes opting to remain closed, but nonetheless he forced them open.

As his eyes adjusted, his gaze wandered around looking at all the shapes, and shadows he could make out.

In front of him, it seemed there was a large building of some sort, and around he could make out the shapes of plants and animals.

After a moment, his eyes had adjusted, just in time for a figure to approach, a gentle smile on his face, and a hand out stretched towards him.

Slowly, he reached a shaky hand up and placed it in his hand.


Sydney Herz let out a long sigh, her green eyes glancing around the classroom, her friends Mia and Katie had been moved away from her, seeing as the teacher had to tell them to be quiet multiple times.

Her small fingers subconsciously moving to fiddle with the necklace that always sat around her neck. It was three years old as of tomorrow but it always felt like he was still around sometimes.

Syd was always close to Caleb, ever since they met when she was 7 years old. No one really knew why, but seeing how they would both smile in each other's presence. It wasn't a shock to most, that his sudden death hit her as hard, if not harder, than his own family.


Luke walked out of his high school, his eyes searching for his favorite blonde. It was no secret, that Luke and Syd were close, it just tended to shock people at how reliant on each other they were.

A smile made its way on his face, as he spotted his sister sitting at a table in the corner of the field, a few of her friends with her. Although, Luke and Syd were close, they didn't have all the same friends, mostly because Luke found the majority of his sister's friends had grown to be obnoxious.

Luke smiled at his sister, who seemed to be in a world of her own, her hands fiddling with her necklace. Luke shook his head, walking over to his own table that had his friends.


Syd let out a breath a breath of relief as the bell rang, it was now offically the end of the school day. Syd walked out of her AP algebra class, one of the two classes she shared with her brother. With her bag slung lazily over her shoulder, the blonde left with her brother.

"I've gotta run, but I'll see you at home." Luke called out to his sister as they approached the door that led outside.

"Okay, bye."

and thus she started her walk home.


A groan rise from his throat as his eyes fluttered open, of course he landed on the ground. It was just his luck.

First, he was given his first real assignment, which is scary on its own. And now he had landed face first on the ground.

His brown eyes, surveyed his surroundings, only to realize he didn't recognize anything. Though, he heard something that sounded the slightest bit familiar.

"In another life, I would be your girl,
We keep all our promises, be us against the world, In another life, I would make you stay, So I don't have to say you were the one that got away, The one that got away." A soft voice sang quietly, it got louder as the source walked closer to him, making the boy move to hide behind a tree.

A smile made its way up his face, as he saw a face he could never forget. He had to say the last few years had done her justice, her blonde hair had became a lighter and brighter shade, and he green eyes still sparkled with a sense of childlike innocence.

His brown eyes took in her appearance, an old baseball jersey clung loosely to her form, he had no doubt that it belonged to Luke, she was wearing ripped skinny jeans, and navy blue converse, but what really caught his eye was the necklace around her neck.

He couldn't see all of it though, seeing as her hand had moved to fiddle with it, he could tell she hadn't noticed though as she continued walking along the path. He wondered when she had gotten that necklace from, and why it seemed so special to her.

'Only one way to find out I suppose.' He thought, before quietly following behind her.



GᑌᗩᖇᗪIᗩᑎ ᗩᑎGEᒪ • salebDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora